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Unit 4 The world of numbers Imperative sentences Be quite. Please have a seat. Sun Fei, pay attention. Don’t be afraid. Please do not shout. ChenYu,

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2 Unit 4 The world of numbers


4 Imperative sentences Be quite. Please have a seat. Sun Fei, pay attention. Don’t be afraid. Please do not shout. ChenYu, don’t be late. We use imperative sentences to tell people do or not do something. We often make instructions more polite by starting with please.

5 命令,要求,请 求或劝告 祈使句 ( imperative sentences ) 一般以 动词的原形开头,表示命令,要求,请 求或劝告等。要表示委婉语气时用 please 。动词祈使式与动词原形形式相 同,但没有时态和复数的词形变化。祈 使句一般用降调。 1. 肯定结构及强调形式。 2. 否定结构。 1.Be a good student. 2.Please come in. 1.Don’t do that again. 2.Don’t come in, please.

6 把下列句子变成否定句: 1.Have a seat, please. 2. Be quiet. 3. Open the door, please. 4. Help yourself to some fish. Don’t have a seat, please. Don’t be quiet. Don’t open the door, please. Don’t help yourself to some fish.

7 Complete the sentence with imperatives and the proper form of the verbs in brackets. 1.– It is her birthday next week. -- Then ____________ (not tell) her about the surprise party. 2. – How can I get to People’s hospital? -- _______ (go) along the street and _______ (turn) left at the lights. 3. – We have to finish the work in two hours. -- Then let’s ______________ (not waste) any time. 4. -- ___________ (not make) so much noise, please. -- OK. 5. -- _______ (look) out ! There is a car coming. -- Thanks. Don’t tell go turn not waste Don’t make Look


9 Numbers: everyone’s language Match the words with the signs and numbers. a percentage multiply, times divide add, plus an odd number an even number subtract, minus equals e 25% h X c ÷ a + d = g - b 12 f 7

10 加法的表达: 1.A 加 B : 2.A 加 B =… : e.g. 3+9 = 12: Add A and B. A plus B equals/ is… Add 3 and 9 is 12. 3 plus 9 equals 12. 减法的表达 : 1. B 减 A: 2. B 减 A= Subtract A from B B minus A equals… e.g. 9-3=6 Subtract 3 from 9 is 6 9 minus 3 equals 6.

11 乘法的表达: 1.A 乘 B : 2.A 乘 B =… : Multiply A by B. A times B equals/is… e.g. 7x5= 35:Multiply 7 by B is 35. 7 times 5 equals 35. 除法的表达: 1.A 除以 B : 2.A 除以 B =… : Divide A by B. A divide by B equals/is… e.g. 6÷2= 3: Divide 6 by 2 is 3. 6 divided by 2 equals 3.

12 Instructions and statements about numbers S1 1. _______ 11 _____ 1 2. S_______ 5 _______ 13 3. M________ 7 ________ 8 4. D________ 16 ________ 4 5. A ________ 9 __________ 6 6. A__________ 14 and 4 and d_________the answer by 2. 7. S___________ 9 from19 and m________the answer by 3 Add and ubtractfrom ulpitiply by ivideby ddand subtract ivide ubtract ultiply

13 S2 1. 11 _______ 1 _______ ________ 2. ____ m ______ ______ e ____ _____ 3. _____ t ____ _____ e ______ ________ 4. ______ d ____ by _____ e _______ ____ 5. ______ p _____ ____ e_____ _____ 6. _____ p _____ _____ and then d____ by ____ e ____ ______. 7. ______ m _____ ____ and then t ____ ____ e ____ ______. plus equals12 13 inus 5quals 8 7imes8quals56 16ivided4quals 4 9lus6 quals 15 14 lus4 ivided 2quals9 19 inus 9 imes 3 quals 30


15 数词数词 基数词 序数词 数量 顺序

16 (1) 1—12 独立成词. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 一 基数词

17 There are six lions.

18 There are nine girls.

19 There are twelve men.

20 (2) 13—19 -teen 结尾 13--thirteen 15--fifteen 18--eighteen 19--nineteen 14--fourteen

21 How old are you? I am… What is ten and eight? It’s eighteen seven six three nine five twelve Work in pairs

22 (3) 表示 “ 十 ” 的基数词 20—90 --ty 结尾. 20—twenty 30---thirty 40—forty 50—fifty 90—ninety

23 Try your best ! speak loudly and quickly! test

24 14 40 50 15 17 70 90 19 18 80 60 16

25 (4) 21—99 22 33 thirty-three 44 forty-four 55 fifty-five 99 ninety-nine twenty-two 21 twenty-one

26 (5) 101—999 101– one hundred and one 840 eight hundred and forty 693 six hundred and ninety-three 301 three hundred and one

27 (6) thousand 7,000 --- seven thousand 16,000 sixteen thousand 80,000 eighty thousand 140,000 50,0003,000

28 ( 1 )年份的表达法(要用基 数词,每两位一读。) 1999—nineteen ninety-nine 1875-- eighteen seventy-five 2007-- two thousand and seven 2008-- two thousand and eight 17682005 sixteen eighty-two nineteen seventy-four 小知识

29 ( 2 )时刻的表达法: ( 用基数词表 示) 8:35—eight thirty-five 6:20-- six twenty 7:05-- seven five 10:16-- ten sixteen 11:30-- eleven thirty 12:48-- twelve forty-eight

30 ---When were you born? ---I was born in 1982 ---When do you usually get up /have lunch/have supper? ---I usually get up at 7:00 practise

31 基变序有规律,词尾加上 “ - th” . “ 一,二,三 ” ,特殊记,面目全非要注意。 八去 t ,九减 e ,遇到 y 变 -ie. 若是 -ve 来结尾,变成 f 莫迟疑。 “ 五,八,十二 ” 和第九,拼写变化要注意。 序数表示 “ 第几十几 ” , “ 个位 ” 变序就可以。 序数词缩写记清楚,数字后跟两字母。 二 序数词

32 fourfourth sixsixth eight eighth nine ninth fivefifth onefirst twosecond threethird sevenseventh ten tenth

33 twelvetwelfth twenty twentieth forty fortieth twenty-one twenty-first thirty-two thirty-second one hundred and ninety-eight one hundre and ninety-eighth

34 序数词缩写形式 first 1st second 2nd third3rd fourth 4th twenty-third 23rd eithty-eighth 88th

35 日期的表达法: (月 + 日的序数词) 10 月 5 日 —October fifth /5th (October the fifth / the fifth of October) 7 月 20 号 -- July twentieth/20th (July the twentieth/ the twentieth of July) 1月1号1月1号 2月5号2月5号 8 月 22 号 12 月 23 号 January twelfth/12 th,2007 小知识

36 二 过关训练 单项选择。 1.Monday is__ ___day of the week. A. two B. second C. the second D. the first 2. I think the___ _ lesson is very easy to learn. A.eleven B. eleventh C. eleventh of 3. This is my _______English teacher. first B. the first C. first of 4. –What is the date today? _ _______________. It is Friday B. It is the fifth day C.It is March fifth 5.Plaese turn to Page _______ and look at the _______picture. A. Thirty; second B. Thirty; two C. Thirtieth; second C A C A B

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