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1.  A greenhouse is a house surrounded by glass.  Greenhouses are used primarily for planting.  When the sun shines, the inside of the greenhouse becomes.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  A greenhouse is a house surrounded by glass.  Greenhouses are used primarily for planting.  When the sun shines, the inside of the greenhouse becomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  A greenhouse is a house surrounded by glass.  Greenhouses are used primarily for planting.  When the sun shines, the inside of the greenhouse becomes warmer as the glass retains the heat. 2

3  Gases around the earth act like the surrounding glass walls of a greenhouse.  Earth's surface warms up due to the solar energy.  At night, the Earth’s surface cools down releasing the heat stored during the day.  BUT, some of the heat is trapped by the glass walls around the earth(the greenhouse gases). 3

4 The heat from the sun reach both the glass house and the earth, but the glass walls and greenhouse gases don’t allow the heat to be released from the atmosphere. 4

5 The main greenhouse gases include:  Carbon dioxide  Water vapor  Methane  Nitrous oxide 5

6  Global Warming refers to the rise of the average temperature of the atmosphere.  The rise of the average temperature is due to higher concentration of greenhouse gases.  Greenhouse gases result mainly from the rising rate of pollution. 6

7  burning of fossil fuels cause greenhouse gases to escape into the air  The cutting down of trees (trees soak up co2)  Burning of gasoline (transportation)  Increase of chemical fertilizers on croplands 7

8  Many causes of global warming lead to more carbon dioxide in the air.  Some farming methods increase the amount of methane and nitrous.  Greenhouse gases are the main reason of global warming  Example: burning fossil fuels  increase greenhouse gases  increase global warming 8

9  Remember! The greenhouse gases act like the glass walls of a greenhouse but for the Earth!  If the greenhouse gases continuously increase, the heat will remain inside the atmosphere instead of going back to space. 9

10  A main reason of the increase of greenhouse gases is due to the increase of pollution.  The sun's radiations are trapped by greenhouse gases within the Earth's atmosphere, which causes the temperature of the plant to rise. 10

11 RRecycle RReduce RReuse EExamples: -recycle old paper -car pool 11

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