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1  Background  What is the Baltimore Project (BP)?  Who is involved?  Led by Pear Bureau NW  9 additional coalition members  Contractors (SIAM, The.

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Presentation on theme: "1  Background  What is the Baltimore Project (BP)?  Who is involved?  Led by Pear Bureau NW  9 additional coalition members  Contractors (SIAM, The."— Presentation transcript:

1 1  Background  What is the Baltimore Project (BP)?  Who is involved?  Led by Pear Bureau NW  9 additional coalition members  Contractors (SIAM, The Hale Group, & Euromonitor) Baltimore Project 3 rd Party Evaluations USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

2 2  To maximize cost effective use of staff & funding (FAS & Industry) resources by collaborating in specific target markets where members share common target audiences and common constraints/opportunities  Developing a collective strategic plan for the BP coalition  Conducting collaborative research, training, & promotional activities to address common constraints/opportunities in common target markets  Conducting 3 rd Party program evaluations in specific target markets Purpose of Collaboration USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

3 3  BP Evaluations are unique  Conducted at one point in time for multiple participants  Conducted in two phases by two separate contractors  Phase I: One contractor conducts research  Phase II: Different contractor evaluates programs comparing research findings to UES & CPR’s  Minimizes perceived bias Unique Two-Phased Approach to 3 rd Party Evaluations USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

4 4  Cost Sharing  Cost Effectiveness  Minimizes Perception of Bias (by Program Detractors)  Venue for Discussing Collaborative Activities & Sharing Information Value & Benefits to BP Members & their Stakeholders USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

5 5  Cost of research and evaluation is paid via GBI MAP funds  Members can preserve their base funding for promotions; not use it for evaluations  20 evaluations done in three markets for approximately $120,000 or $6,000 per evaluation  More affordable for smaller organizations with limited resources Cost Sharing USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

6 6  Research is done by one contractor at one time for multiple groups versus each group contracting separately for the same type of research  Target audiences are only interviewed once by one contractor versus multiple times by multiple contractors  FAS benefits from having research & evaluation done for multiple MAP participants Cost Effectiveness USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

7 7  Researcher (Euromonitor) is not managed by Cooperators  Evaluator (SIAM) conclusions & recommendations on program effectiveness are based on independent researcher’s findings Minimizes Perception of Bias by Program Detractors USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

8 8  Completed  Food Shows, multi-product promotions, market research  Under consideration  On-line technical training, food service promotion, trade & buyers missions Quarterly Meetings for Discussing Activities & Sharing Info USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS

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