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Ileana Reyes Ivonne Perez Silvia Villarreal. Imperialism in China o Qing dynasty o began to suffer from corruption, peasant unrest, and incompetence due.

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Presentation on theme: "Ileana Reyes Ivonne Perez Silvia Villarreal. Imperialism in China o Qing dynasty o began to suffer from corruption, peasant unrest, and incompetence due."— Presentation transcript:

1 ileana Reyes Ivonne Perez Silvia Villarreal

2 Imperialism in China o Qing dynasty o began to suffer from corruption, peasant unrest, and incompetence due to rapid population growth.

3 Trade Between Britain & China – Trade imbalance between Britain and China? imported more goods from China than they exported to Britain –Paid imports with: – cotton – Silver. –Opium Highly Addictive Drug Grown in Northern India; ruled by British east India Demand grew in South China; Shipped Directly to Chinese markets.

4 Opium WarOpium War –1839-1842 –China Wanted To Stop import. –Listed Moral Grounds –British refused to stop –Chinese government formed a blockade in foreign area in Guangzhou force traders to surrender chests of Opium. Opium War British win; destroyed Chinese coastal & river forts with their warships.

5 Treaty of Nanjing 1842 –Britain Requested for China to: Open five Coastal Ports To British Trade Limit taxes on imported British Goods Pay for the cost of the war. –Establishment of Western influence in china started.


7 Open Door Policy Reflected American Concern for survival of China reduced restriction on foreign imports imposed by the dominating power within each sphere John Hay – Secretary of state – proposed insured equal access to Chinese market for all Nations –preserved Unity of Chinese Empire.

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