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Carrier Phase GPS Navigation for Hydrographic Surveys, and Seamless Vertical Datum 16-18 March 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Carrier Phase GPS Navigation for Hydrographic Surveys, and Seamless Vertical Datum 16-18 March 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carrier Phase GPS Navigation for Hydrographic Surveys, and Seamless Vertical Datum 16-18 March 2004

2 Points of Contact: Sunil Bisnath - Oasis Hotel Robyn Montgomery Don Roman 228-469-9411 Help Assistance Guidance

3 E-mail & Internet Access: Windows 2000 laptop in the reception area Log on using guest account and a blank password Your laptop with wireless access try the University network SSID EagleAir Network WEP is off Sending (outgoing server) no encryption no username and password Will you be attending Dinner??? Heads/water closets/washrooms & miscellaneous

4 Our Third (and Largest) GPS workshop Twenty-Three Presentations Sixty + attendees Incorporated the lessons of the past More Breakout Groups (make sure you sign up by 1000) Workshop Sponsorship: Office of Naval Research Naval Oceanographic Office Commercial Sponsors: Tuesday:social hourApplanix Corp. dinnerUniversity of Southern Mississippi Wednesday social hourFugro Chance, Inc. banquetC & C Technologies, Inc

5 Continuing the work of previous workshops Workshop Objectives: Facilitate the Exchange of Information concerning: - status of Carrier Phase GPS for hydrography and seamless datums. - opportunities for cooperative efforts to implement these technologies. Facilitate the Exchange of Information between: - academia, industry and government groups interested in these and related technologies. Enjoy meaningful discussions in an enjoyable setting and venue with a great group of folks.

6 Rules of Engagement: Please: Load your presentations as soon as possible. During your presentations, adhere to your time allocation. Sign up for your breakout discussion group(s) prior to 1000.


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