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The unification of Italy – the Risorgimento Piedmont takes the lead 1852 - 60.

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1 The unification of Italy – the Risorgimento Piedmont takes the lead 1852 - 60

2 Victor Emmanuel II

3 Piedmont-sardinia became the focal point of nationalists hopes  1852 Cavour becomes Prime Minister  Wanted to be rid of Austrian influence in Italy and extend the power of Piedmont.  He was certain this could never be achieved without foreign help

4 Cavour had learned the lessons from 1848 Italia fara da sa? No! Help would be needed to unify Italy Piedmont KEPT it’s constitution – the statuto. Piedmont had fought for Italy. It became the focus for nationalist hopes for the future. Piedmont needed to be modernised to take advantage of her leading position.

5 How did Cavour modernise Piedmont – Sardinia?

6 Piedmont-Sardinia is modernised  Developed the Piedmont political system – constitution (granted 1848) - educated elite in control of government and parliament - support from the centre of politics –gave him power to manoeuvre  Built solid economic foundations – trade, agriculture, industry, banking, communications  Position of church weakened

7 Getting foreign help

8 Getting foreign support  Crimean war (1854-56)  Piedmont joins on side of Br and Fr  Peace conference – Paris 1856  Makes personal contacts with Napoleon III  Cavour aims to get French help against Austria

9 Napoleon III gets involved  Orsini assassination attempt 1858  Secret meeting at Plombières 1858 - France to get Nice and Savoy - Austria to made to look the aggressor - France would help in war. - Pope to preside over confederation in central Italy - Piedmont to get Lombardy and Venetia (why not all Italy?)

10 War 1859 PPiedmontese army mobilised AAustria demands this stops AAustria declares war! FFrance sends 200,000 troops BBattles at Magenta and Solferino RRevolts followed in Central Duchies and Papal States – ask for Piedmont to protect them!

11 Napoleon gets cold feet!  Things moving too fast!  Carnage of war  Prussia mobilising on the Rhine!  Napoleon makes peace with Austria - Villafranca

12 Villafranca 1859  Lombardy ceded to France who then passed it to Piedmont.  Venetia remains Austrian  Central Duchies to be restored to their rulers  Victor Emmanuel had to accept this  Cavour furious – resigned!

13 Things could not be stopped in Italy  Central Duchies & part of Papal States – the Romagna, would not accept their old rulers back.  Jan 1860 – Cavour back as PM  Offered Napoleon Nice and Savoy in return for central Italy.  Plebiscites arranged – March 1860  Piedmont takes over the centre!


15 Then Garibaldi steps in May 1860

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