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The Muscles of the Human Body By: Teachers of Students with Autism - CHS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Muscles of the Human Body By: Teachers of Students with Autism - CHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muscles of the Human Body By: Teachers of Students with Autism - CHS

2 Muscles are always working. They work when we walk, run, play an instrument, biking and even turning a page in this book.

3 Did you know that 40 per-cent of what makes our body are muscles? We can control all 640 muscles in our body. The muscles on the right hand side of our body are controlled by the left part of the brain and the muscles on the left are controlled by the right of the brain.

4 Muscles can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary muscles are only controlled by you. But involuntary muscles sometimes work without us trying to control it. For example, eyes blink at times when we don't try to.

5 Muscles are internal body parts. You have over 600 of them in your body. No one knows exactly how many muscles there are.

6 This is the abdominal muscles. We find them internally. They helps us with posture and keeping in organs.

7 The parts of the abdominal are the obliques and the rectus.

8 These are leg muscles. They help us run and stand.

9 The hamstrings and quadriceps are parts of the leg muscle.

10 This is the arm muscle. Arm muscle helps us pull and lift.

11 The bicep and tricep are parts of the arm muscle.

12 The muscles in the hands and in the arm work together very well. These muscles, since we always control them, are of course voluntary.

13 We use our muscles everyday. We can help our muscular system by eating foods rich in protein. Some of these foods are, cheese, nuts, fish, chicken, and beef.

14 Muscles are used in any activity we do and it is important that they are taken care of properly or else they could be pulled and torn.

15 Muscular System

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