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1 CA201 Word Application Arranging and Printing Documents Week # 4 By Tariq Ibn Aziz Dammam Community college.

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2 1 CA201 Word Application Arranging and Printing Documents Week # 4 By Tariq Ibn Aziz Dammam Community college

3 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 2 Objectives In this chapter you will learn to: –Control a document’s design with a template. –Change a document’s background. –Change a document’s theme. –Preview and print a document. –Control what appears on each page.

4 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 3 Control a Document’s Design with a Template A template is a file that stores text –character and paragraph styles, –page formatting, and –macros for use as a pattern in creating other documents.

5 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 4 Using Template Click Ctrl + F1 or View  Task Pane Select New Document Click On my computer Select the template you need to work on

6 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 5 Applying a New Template to an Existing Document A quick and easy way to change the look of an existing document is to apply a new template to it. You can use the Find and Replace command to find particular style and replace it with one you want

7 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 6 Changing a Document’s Background You can make document to be published on web look better by adding a background color or pattern. This type of background is displayed only in Web Layout view Faint background images are called watermarks.

8 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 7 Using a Picture as a Watermark You can add graphic watermark in your document without distracting attention from the main text. –On the Format menu, –point to Background, –click Printed Watermark and then, –click the Select Picture button.

9 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 8 Changing a Document’s Theme You can change the entire look of a document by applying one of Word’s pre-defined themes. A theme is a unified look that incorporates: –heading styles, –text styles formatted with font effects, –lists with specially designed bullet characters, –background colors, –fill effects, and –images.

10 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 9 Changing a Document’s Theme On the Format menu, –click Theme. –Scroll the Choose a Theme list until the Layers theme appears, and then –click Layers.

11 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 10 Previewing and Printing a Document Before printing a document, you should verify (preview) it. –Print Preview shows you exactly how your text will be printed on each page. –It saves time, money, and paper by avoiding duplicate printing. –This is essential for multi-page documents. –This is helpful even for one-page documents.

12 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 11 Previewing and Printing a Document The way a page is laid out in a printed document is called the Page Orientation –The default orientation in Word is portrait. –You can also set the orientation to landscape. On the Standard toolbar, –click the Print Preview button.

13 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 12 Print all or part of a single document To Print a selected page –On the File menu, click Print. –click Pages, you must also enter the page numbers or page ranges you want to include, or both. To Print a selected portion of document –Click Print on the File menu, and then click Selection. –In the Print box, click either Odd pages or Even pages.

14 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 13 Print Noncontiguous Pages Type the page numbers with commas between them. Type the range of pages with a hyphen between the starting and ending numbers in the range. For example, to print pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8, type 2,4-6,

15 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 14 Print a document in a different format Print a draft –When you print a document in draft quality, Microsoft Word does not print formatting or most graphics. Some printers don't support this option. –On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Print tab. –Under Printing options, select the Draft output check box.

16 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 15 Print in Reverse Order Microsoft Word can print a document in reverse order, beginning with the last page. –Don't select this option if you're printing an envelope. –On the Tools menu, –click Options, and then click the Print tab. –Under Printing options, select the Reverse print order check box.

17 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 16 Print Multiple Pages on One Sheet of Paper To better see the layout of a multiple-page document, You can print multiple pages on one sheet of paper. On the File menu, click Print. Under Zoom, click the option you want in the Pages per sheet box. For example, to print a four-page document on one sheet, click 4 pages.

18 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 17 Print Several Documents at Once Open the folder that contains the documents you want to print. Select the documents you want to print. Click File, and then click Print.

19 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 18 Printing options An entire section –Type s section number. –For example, type s3 Noncontiguous sections –Type the section numbers with commas between them. –For example, type s3,s5

20 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 19 Printing options A range of pages within a section –Type p page number s section number. –For example, to print pages 5 through 7 in section 3, type p5s3-p7s3 A range of pages across sections –Type a range of page numbers and the sections that contain them with a hyphen between the starting and ending numbers in the range. –For example, type p2s2-p3s5

21 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 20 Edit text in print preview On the File menu, click Print Preview. –Click Magnifier –When the pointer changes from a magnifying glass to an I-beam –Make your changes to the document. To return to the original magnification, –click Magnifier –click the document. –To exit print preview click Close.print preview

22 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 21 Printing Envelopes and Labels You can print envelopes and labels using addresses that you have entered in a document. To do this: –You select the text for envelope or label, –Click Tools  Letters and Mailings –Click Envelopes and Labels to open the Envelopes and Labels dialog box

23 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 22 Controlling What Appears on Each Page When you create a document that contains more than one page, –Word paginates your document by inserting soft page breaks. –A soft page break produces separate pages in Print Layout view, –It appears as a dotted line across the page in Normal view.

24 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 23 Windows and Orphan The “Widow/Orphan control” options: –prevents printing the last line of a paragraph on top of a new page (widow) –Prevents the first line of a paragraph by itself at the bottom of a page (orphan).

25 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 24 Windows and Orphan The “Keep lines together” option prevents a page break within a paragraph. The “Keep with next” option prevents a page break between the selected paragraph and the following paragraph. The “Page break before” option inserts a page break before the selected paragraph.

26 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 25 Section Break In addition to page breaks, you can insert section breaks in your documents. A section break identifies a part of the document to which you can apply page settings, such as orientation or margins, that are different from those of the rest of the document.

27 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 26 Type of Section Break Several types of section breaks are available: –The “Next page” option starts the following text on the next page. –The “Continuous” option creates a section break without affecting page breaks. –The “Even page” option forces a break to the next even-numbered page. –The “Odd page” option forces a break to the next odd-numbered page.

28 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 27 Types of section break you can insert The following examples show the types of section breaks you can insert. (double dotted line represents a section break). Next page inserts a section break and starts the new section on the next page. Continuous inserts a section break and starts the new section on the same page.

29 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 28 Types of section break you can insert Odd page or Even page inserts a section break and starts the new section on the next odd-numbered or even-numbered page.

30 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 29 Types of formats you can set for section You can change the following section formats: –Margins –Paper size or orientation –Paper source for a printer –Page borders –Vertical alignment –Header and Footer –Columns –Page numbering –Line numbering –Footnotes and endnotes

31 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 30 Change the type of section break Click in the section you want to change. On the File menu, click Page Setup, and then click the Layout tab. In the Section start box, click the option that describes where you want the current section to begin.

32 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 31 Formatting Page Numbers You insert page numbers in headers or footers You can format them directly using buttons on the Formatting toolbar as long as the header and footer areas are active. On the Insert menu, click Page Numbers.

33 Tariq Aziz, Dammam Community College 32 Chapter Key Points You can –create document from templates –create your own templates –apply background color or pattern to a document –apply you can add a text or picture watermark –apply predefined theme to a document –see a document in Print Preview –apply different margins and formatting to different sections –add information in header and footer –specify elements be kept together on a page

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