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Build a Better Business VM and KCOM support model June 2012 In strictest commercial confidence.

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1 Build a Better Business VM and KCOM support model June 2012 In strictest commercial confidence

2 NMO changes The following four teams will be created within the NMO organisation I services Ops and OSS Technical Support Voice Services IP and Broadband Services Transmission, Transition & Security Services Existing team members will be lifted and shifted into one of the 4 teams, as appropriate to their current skills and function. New ‘To be’ organisation shown below. NMO ‘To Be’ Organisation

3 Planning Organisation changes The I services planning function will migrate from the NMO organisation to the Plan and Build Organisation and will form part of the new Intelligence Voice team. Centralisation of all Project management resource into the Plan and Build Organisation called Projects. Advertise and fill Technical Services Manager vacancy Brendan Sturgeon and Les Harrison who currently have line management responsibilities will revert back to engineering roles with their agreement. Proposed ‘ To Be’ Plan and Build organisation as follows Key: Blue ex VM Gold ex KCOM

4 Next Steps Communications  Communicate the moves and rationale to the teams  Confirm people in post  Advertise Vacancy  Complete changes to OUCs

5 Proposals This pack sets out the proposed organisational changes across both the NMO and Planning organisations. 1.Existing skill sets and team members will migrate into four new functional teams being created in the NMO organisation. 2.Elements of planning activity currently carried out in the NMO organisation will move into a new functional team in the Planning Organisation. 3.All temporary ‘manager’ roles in NMO and Planning will be formalised and we will balance the ratio of engineers to Line Managers in line with our People Engagement commitments.

6 Background & Rationale In December 2012 BT MSL moved from a contract silo’d organisation into a shared service model. Movement to the shared service model was carried out on the understanding that additional changes would need to be made once some of the more complex areas had come together and ‘To be’ models developed. Current confusion reference roles and responsibilities which is causing lack of engagement in teams and customer concerns. KCOM have specifically requested and escalated the need for a dedicated I-Services planning team. Focus on the 4 new teams in NMO and the two new teams in Planning will allow greater role clarity for individuals and the wider team. This will simplify roles and responsibilities and make cross contract working more practical to deliver. This will improve working relationships across the teams and will begin to address concerns raised in the last Care agile survey. It will enable Phase 2 of the BBB Transformation to get underway in earnest as the teams are correctly aligned and the cross training benefits can begin to be realised for our Customers and our Business.

7 People Impact of Change All team members have a position in the new organisation and all moves to be managed on a ‘lift and shift’ basis, with no changes to T&Cs Formalising of all manager roles in NMO and Planning which should enable greater stability for the teams. Overall reduction of 3 management posts and improved manager to team member ratios:  Two NMO Manager vacancies to be formalised following Role Assessment.  Three team leaders will revert to required technical engineering roles  One Technical Services manager role to be advertised

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