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Deteriorating camp environment- link with context.

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Presentation on theme: "Deteriorating camp environment- link with context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deteriorating camp environment- link with context

2 Geneva conference Arab league OD Programme created EU support Research project/WB BMZ & GIZ funding

3  Importance of the built environment  Urban planning-transformation  Integrated  Innovative and flexible  Community participation  Fulfillment of human rights & protection  Sustainability of change


5 Integrated efforts of UNRWA programmes

6 UNRWA and Host Government Talbiyeh Camp Neirab Camp

7 Campus on Camp

8 Shams Hospital, Widened base for resource mobilization

9 Planning instills hope and optimism-NBC

10 Addresses the needs of all the community including the disadvantaged-children

11 Camp Improvement Project teams became a reference to the refugees …..And the youth

12 Dheisheh Camp : circulation analysis Data & Knowledge management ;  Specific priorities of a camp  Strategic planning at field level, FIPs  Camp profile project  Evidence based planning Dheisheh: Housing Improvement Concept Dheisheh infrastructure issues Dheisheh community facilities Dheisheh public spaces

13 Next Steps: Our mission is serving Palestine refugees in improving their living standards in a comprehensive, integrated and community driven urban planning approach,  Address worsening and deteriorated living conditions,  Continue addressing urgent needs,  Link both urgent needs with longer term visions,

14  Strengthening the Programme in the Agency, capacity building and additional resources,  Plan with the different fields, with field specific strategies, on the implementation of CIPs for the remaining 50 camps,  Agree on targets for achievements, indicators and setting the monitoring tools for the implementation of CIPs.

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