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Biology & Management of Brown Root Rot of Alfalfa F.A. Gray, C.R. Hollingsworth, D.W. Koch R.W. Groose and R.C. Larsen.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology & Management of Brown Root Rot of Alfalfa F.A. Gray, C.R. Hollingsworth, D.W. Koch R.W. Groose and R.C. Larsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology & Management of Brown Root Rot of Alfalfa F.A. Gray, C.R. Hollingsworth, D.W. Koch R.W. Groose and R.C. Larsen

2 Anamorphic (asexual) stage: Phoma sclerotioides (syn. Plenodomus meliloti & Plenodomus sclerotioides) Fungal Taxonomy 8-wk-old culture on PDA Pycnidia (SEM, 110x)Hyaline, single-celled conidia (400x)

3 History 1933-1 st reported on sweet clover in Canada 1984 – widespread on alfalfa in the Peace River Valley of Alberta 1996 – 1 st reported on alfalfa in the U.S. in Wyoming Host Range Alfalfa Alsike Clover Bird’s-Foot Trefoil Red Clover Sainfoin Sweet Clover (J.G.N Davidson)

4 Survival & Spread - Survival: in plant debris & in soil - Spread: by wind & grazing animals (J.G.N Davidson)

5 Diagnosis Farson, Wyoming Spring of 1996 Severe Winterkill Plants removed showing severe root rot Close up of dead and dying plants a. Plant Symptoms Dead Diseased

6 Diagnosis b. Root isolation c. PCR-based SCAR markers (R.C. Larsen, USDA-ARS, Prosser, WA) Root isolation on PDA at 50 0 F. after 8 weeks Note white mycelium, black pycnidia and yellow spore masses

7 Distribution Currently known distribution in the U.S. (Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin, Wyoming) CANADA Indigenous Fungus USA

8 Recommended Control Practices in Canada 1.Crop rotation – Grow annual crops such as oats or barley for 3 years between alfalfa crops. Avoid rotation with other forage legume crops especially sweet clover. 2.Harvesting/Grazing Management -Avoid excessive cutting -Avoid late fall cutting -Avoid overgrazing & grazing in the fall before the ground is frozen.

9 3. Maintain proper soil fertility 4. Plant a resistant variety -The variety Anik (Medicago falcata) is partially resistant. -The variety Peace is the least susceptible of the M. sativa varieties J.G.N Davidson. AnikPeace Farson, Wyoming

10 Recommended Control Practices in the USA 1.Same as for Canada (items 1, 2, and 3) 2.Reaction of most U.S. varieties to BRR is currently unknown 3.The variety “Peace” performed well in the presence of BRR at Farson, Wyoming but may be susceptible to other major stand decline diseases in the U.S. 4.Other varieties performing well in the presence of BRR at Farson include: Ranger, Avalanche + Z and Spreador 3

11 Other available information on Brown Root Rot: a.University of Wyoming Bulletin, B-1136, “Brown Root Rot of Alfalfa” b. BRR Evaluation Protocol for, “Standard Tests to Characterize Alfalfa Cultivars” (pending final approval)

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