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Safe Schools/Healthy Students 2004 Teen Leadership Experience A Preliminary Evaluation Report September 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe Schools/Healthy Students 2004 Teen Leadership Experience A Preliminary Evaluation Report September 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe Schools/Healthy Students 2004 Teen Leadership Experience A Preliminary Evaluation Report September 2004

2 What is Safe Schools/Healthy Students? Federal partnership School and community partnership University partnership

3 Teen Leadership Experience Teen Leadership Experience weekend conducted July 23-25, 2004 78 students and their parents completed pre (before TLE) and post (after TLE) assessments

4 Child Participation by Race

5 Child Participation by Gender

6 Descriptions of Student Questionnaires Individual Protective Factors Survey –Assesses personal control over behavior. –Includes 2 subscales; self-efficacy and self-control –Targets low income students in grades 7-11 Likelihood of Violence and Delinquency –Assesses likelihood of engaging in violent or delinquent behaviors Social Competence Measure –Assesses social competence –Includes 2 subscales; pro-social behavior and emotional- regulation

7 Results from Self-Control Measure by Item Major Finding: Students are reporting feeling more in control of their own behavior after TLE

8 After attending TLE, Students More Likely To Report: I Listen To Others' Point Of View I Cooperate With Peers Without Prompting

9 After attending TLE, Students More Likely To Report: I Share With Others I Give Suggestions and Opinions Without Being Bossy

10 After attending TLE, Students More Likely To Report: I Think Before ActingI Accept Things Not Going My Way

11 Results from Delinquent Behavior Measure Major Finding: Students report that they are less likely to engage in violent and delinquent behaviors after TLE

12 After Attending TLE, Students Less Likely To Report: Injuring Someone Else In a FightGetting Into a Fight

13 Social Competence Measure Major Finding: Students report increases in social competence after TLE

14 After Attending TLE, Students More Likely To Report That: If You Work Hard, You Will Get What You Want To Make a Good Decision, It Is Important To Think

15 After Attending TLE, Students More Likely To Disagree That: Sometimes You Have To Physically Fight To Get What You Want I Get Mad Easy

16 After Attending TLE, Students More Likely To Disagree That: I Do Whatever I Feel Like DoingWhen I Am Mad I Yell At People

17 Teen Leadership Experience Overall Data Findings Teen Leadership Experience improves self-control reduces violent/delinquent behaviors increases social competence

18 A Special Thanks to: Denis Carter Linda Ferrell All the Seahawk Specialists at TLE The UNCW Evaluation Team- the best data grinders in town!!!

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