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Collecting Population Data Higher Geography Population nce/

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1 Collecting Population Data Higher Geography Population nce/

2 Census Describe why a census is carried out. Describe the methods of carrying out a census. Describe and explain the difficulties of carrying out a census especially in LEDC’s.

3 What is a census? Since 1801, every ten years the nation has set aside one day for the census - a count of all people and households. It is the most complete source of information about the population that we have. The latest census was held on Sunday 29 April 2001

4 Why carry out a census? We all use public services such as schools, health services, roads and libraries. These services need to be planned, and in such a way that they keep pace with fast-changing patterns of modern life. We need accurate information on the numbers of people, where they live and what their needs are. The government needs to know where to prioritize money and what policies should be put into place.

5 What questions does the census ask? Population An accurate count of the population in each local area helps the Government to calculate the size of grants it allocates each local authority and health authority. Health Data on general health, long-term illness and carers enables the Government to plan health and social services, and to allocate resources. Housing With information about the way we live as households, indicates the need for new housing. Employment Helping government and businesses to plan jobs and training policies and to make informed investment decisions. Transport Contributes to the understanding of pressures on transport systems and to the planning of roads and public transport. Ethnic Group Data on ethnic groups help to identify the extent and nature of disadvantage in Britain and to measure the success of equal opportunities policies.

6 How reliable is census data? Since 1951 there has been a marked improvement in the reliability of census data, encouraged by the UN and improved communication. Data collected in ELDC’s continues to be less reliable for a number of reasons.

7 Other ways of collecting population data Civil Registration – registration of all vital events. Allows more frequent up dating of data and monitoring of population change at a local level. National, EU and Global Surveys.

8 Problems with collecting census data in ELDC’s. Read the bullet point on page 201 and take notes, in your own words, for each one. Questions Read pages 198-201 and answer question 4 page 235.

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