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FIRST GRADE CURRICULUM November 9, 2011. First Grade Team  Mrs. Mary Buchanio  Mrs. Dianne Kincaid  Miss Jill Thomson  Mrs. Karen Wolff  Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST GRADE CURRICULUM November 9, 2011. First Grade Team  Mrs. Mary Buchanio  Mrs. Dianne Kincaid  Miss Jill Thomson  Mrs. Karen Wolff  Instructional."— Presentation transcript:


2 First Grade Team  Mrs. Mary Buchanio  Mrs. Dianne Kincaid  Miss Jill Thomson  Mrs. Karen Wolff  Instructional Assistants: Mrs. Ashley Babka

3 Transitions from Kindergarten to Grade 1  Tables to desks  Homework  Increased responsibility and independence  Learning pace  Longer day for some

4 Typical Day in First Grade  Calendar  Math  Specials: Phys. Ed, Music and Art  Literacy: Scott Foresman, Empowering Writers, Rebecca Sitton  Science  Social Studies

5 Math Numbers and Operations in Base Ten *Count, read and write numbers to 120 *Place value Operations and Algebraic Thinking *Demonstrates an understanding of addition and subtraction facts to 20 *Applies problem solving strategies using addition and subtraction up to 20 *Writes number sentences using appropriate signs.

6 Math Continued… Measurement and Data *Graphing *Fractions *Time *Money *Measurement (non standard units) Geometry *2-D and 3-D shapes

7 Literacy Phonetic Skills/Vocabulary *Phonics and word analysis skills *High frequency words Language *Oral expression *Language and grammar skills *Retelling

8 Literacy Continued… Reading/Fluency *Story elements, beginning, middle, end, setting and character * Reading fluency Writing *Written expression *Use of language and grammar skills *Spells assigned words *Independent spelling strategies

9 Science Life Science – plants and animals Physical Science – states of matter Earth and Space- seasonal and weather changes Engineering Design *What purpose do tools and simple machines give? *How do they make our lives better/easier?

10 Social Studies History and Geography Civics and Government Economics United States Leaders, Symbols, Events, and Holidays Individuals, Families, and Communities Now and Long Ago

11 Standards Based Report Card  Student Responsibilities  Specialty Subjects  Academic Standards  English Language Arts  Math  Science  Social Studies

12 First Grade Report Card




16 Standards Based Report Card Rubric 4- The student consistently applies and/or extends key concepts and processes. 3- The student consistently demonstrates proficiency in the standard. 2- The student is progressing toward meeting the standard. 1- The student is beginning to meet the standard with assistance. N/A Standard not assessed this term. * Indicates that 3 is the highest achievable level.

17 Our Goals for Our Students  Build independence  Utilize problem solving skills  Develop positive peer relationships  Continue enthusiasm for learning

18 Home/School Connection  Read every night  Practice math facts; build number sense  Reinforce importance of student responsibilities: homework, library books, sneakers for gym

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