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2015 Kindergarten Orientation. Goal for Tonight To provide you with information about the year ahead by explaining some basic expectations and routines.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Kindergarten Orientation. Goal for Tonight To provide you with information about the year ahead by explaining some basic expectations and routines."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Kindergarten Orientation

2 Goal for Tonight To provide you with information about the year ahead by explaining some basic expectations and routines along with a description of what a day in kindergarten looks like.

3 S CHEDULE 7:45-Arrival 10:45-11:15-Lunch 11:15-11:45 Recess 12:50-1:10 Recess 3:10-Dismissal

4 A Kindergarten Day Includes: Daily Math Science/Social Studies Literacy Intervention Block Physical Education Social Centers Other Music & Art ( Every other day) Library (Monday’s) Guidance (Every other week) Computer Lab (once a week beginning in November)

5 Intervention Block What do we do when students do not learn? What do we do when students have already learned? Each day, the daily schedule allows a half hour for “all hands on deck” in providing support to ALL students. In addition to classroom teachers, reading, speech/language, math, and ELL support staff are involved to provide instruction for specific skills to specific students. Your child may join others in another classroom for small group instruction. The groups typically change every 3-4 weeks based upon student needs. This commitment to providing time each day for intervention strategies ensures that ALL students learn at the highest levels.

6 L UNCH /T REAT DAY ●Practice lunch numbers - Children begin to enter independently in October. ●Notes for low balance will be sent home. ●Treat day is every Wednesday. $0.50 will be deducted from your child’s account if they choose to have a treat.

7 S NACKS Milk fees are deducted from your child’s lunch account. Please watch classroom calendar for your child’s week to bring in two boxes of crackers. ●No individual snacks please. ●Easy to eat birthday treats are welcome on your child’s birthday. ●If your child celebrates their birthday during the summer, you may choose a day in May or June to send in a treat. We will celebrate their birthday on that day.

8 P HYSICAL E DUCATION ●Dress appropriately for weather for outdoor class time. ●Gym shoes are required and left at school.

9 L IBRARY Every Monday morning Must return book(s) to get a new one. If a book is lost or damaged, you will be charged a replacement fee.

10 C OMMUNICATION ●You will receive a classroom calendar each month with special dates/events. ●You will also receive a monthly kindergarten newsletter that is written by our team. ●The students and I will be using Kidblog as a means to communicate weekly happenings in the classroom. ●More information will be coming for this soon..

11 L ABEL EVERYTHING !!! Shoes, backpacks, hats, mittens, boots, coats, snow pants, etc. Each student needs an extra set of clothes to be kept at school in a labeled zip lock bag. Please update extra clothes seasonally.

12 P ICK -U P OR B US N OTES Pin onto backpack or child. Notes are required for any changes in drop off/pick up routine. We are not always able to answer the phone or check emails until the end of the day. See Student Drop Off/Pick-Up Procedures in the GES Parent Handbook if you have any further questions.

13 B OOK ORDERS ● Will be sent home monthly. ● They are completely optional. ● Please return by due date on calendar. ● Make checks payable to Scholastic ● You may order online with activation code I will provided on the next order.

14 C ONSCIOUS D ISCIPLINE Conscious Discipline empowers adults to consciously respond to daily conflict, transforming it into an opportunity to teach critical life skills to children. Each day the students are greeted by the teacher with a special handshake or hug. Class rules are reviewed every morning using our Mr. Potato Head Pledge. Students make a classroom commitment to be safe keepers. Students are taught how to use their “big words” instead of hurtful actions.

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