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Apr 2014 Issue (Secondary). Content in this issue Using Usage Reports from to plan your school’s ECG experiences for students 29 April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Apr 2014 Issue (Secondary). Content in this issue Using Usage Reports from to plan your school’s ECG experiences for students 29 April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apr 2014 Issue (Secondary)

2 Content in this issue Using Usage Reports from to plan your school’s ECG experiences for students 29 April 2014 ITE Briefing cum Tour Singapore Maritime Trails (Maritime Port Authority free tours)

3 To support the planning of relevant assembly talks, learning journeys and student work attachments

4 Step 1: Click on “ Usage Reports” Step 2: Click on “Personal Globe Inventory”

5 Step 3: Set the parameters accordingly Step 4: Then, Click ‘Submit’

6 Step 4a: Refer to the RIASEC profile of the cohort Step 4b: Identify the top 3 RIASEC areas, ie having the most % of students

7 Step 5: Scroll up and click here to get to “Pupils’ view”

8 Step 6: Click on “Assessments”

9 Step 7: Click on “Occupation Match using RIASEC Code”

10 Step 8: Select the top three letters according to the cohorts’ profile in different permutations, one at a time Step 9: Click here to generate a list of suggested occupations according to each RIASEC profile

11 Step 10: This generated list of suggested occupations according to each RIASEC profile will give teachers a sense of what occupations the cohort will be generally interested in. Do use this list to plan for Career talks, Career fairs, learning journeys, work attachment etc.

12 ITE Briefing-cum-Tour Date: 29 April 2014 (Tuesday) Venue: ITE College Central, Block A Level 2, Theatre at illuminITE Time: 1430 – 1730 hrs (Registration with refreshment at 1345 hrs) Register via this link by 21 April

13 Singapore Maritime Free Trails

14 Suggestions/ feedback

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