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Wisconsin’s Response to Intervention SITA Presentation: Introduction to WI RtI and Wisconsin’s RtI Stories Date: July 30, 2012 Facilitators: Dan Seaman,

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin’s Response to Intervention SITA Presentation: Introduction to WI RtI and Wisconsin’s RtI Stories Date: July 30, 2012 Facilitators: Dan Seaman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin’s Response to Intervention SITA Presentation: Introduction to WI RtI and Wisconsin’s RtI Stories Date: July 30, 2012 Facilitators: Dan Seaman, Regional Technical Assistance Coordinator, Wisconsin RtI Center Chris Rogers, CESA 7 ETS Director Jo Mellen, NEWIST Coordinator, CESA 7

2 The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material.

3 Changing Educational Paradigms

4 Wisconsin RtI Center Mission Provide CONSISTENT messaging, materials, and understanding about DPI’s vision for RtI in Wisconsin Deliver technical assistance with equitable access Gather, analyze & disseminate RtI implementation data & student outcomes Partnerships CESAs Professional Associations and Organizations DPI Divisions & Teams

5 Before we start… All website links (and a few more) are at: This presentation is available to download at: 175/Monday%20Sessions 175/Monday%20Sessions

6 What pops in your head when you hear RtI? What comes to your mind when you think about RTI? Who do we have here today?

7 Principles for RtI in Wisconsin: 1. RtI is for ALL children and ALL educators. 2. RtI must support and provide value to effective practices. 3. Success for RtI lies within the classroom through collaboration. 4. RtI applies to both academics and behavior. 5. RtI supports and provides value to the use of multiple assessments to inform instructional practices. 6. RtI is something you do and not necessarily something you buy. 7. RtI emerges from and supports research and evidence based practice. Principles for RtI in Wisconsin

8 RtI Definition Response to Intervention an organizational framework for achieving higher levels of academic and behavioral success for all students


10  Wisconsin RtI Stories consists of four videos that share the RtI journeys of Wisconsin schools as they put RtI into practice to increase success for all students  Created by an advisory committee including content and learning consultants from DPI, professors of education, WI RtI Center coordinators, a representative from the National RtI Network, a CESA RtI specialist, an instructional coach & classroom teachers  These videos offer a rare opportunity to “visit” another school to see and hear about their successes and their challenges as they developed, implemented and evaluated their RtI system  AND conversation guides are included with each video to facilitate your professional learning and planning

11 Educational Communications Board


13 Wisconsin’s Vision for RtI

14 Culturally responsive practices Increased diversity Large disparities Effective practices

15 Multi-level SYSTEM of support Multiple tiers Multiple layers Multiple options Deliver high quality instruction, formally collaborate and use multiple assessments AT EACH AND EVERY LEVEL Increased Intensity of Support Multi-Level System of Support

16 Begin with a strong, high quality foundational level With each level of support, increase intensity

17 Wisconsin’s RtI Essential Elements High Quality Instruction Collaboration Balanced Assessment

18 High Quality Instruction

19 The purpose : I Want to point out the meaning or definition of Multiple Levels The definition of multiple levels is three pieces of Universal, interventions, challenges. Then in each level we have the bullets below of Essential outcomes, common core, etc.. I would like this animated to reflect the above. We can talk on phone about this one. Tied to Universal Based on Common Core & Other State Standards Evidence-Based Strategic Culturally Responsive Differentiated Additional Challenges (above benchmark) Tied to Universal Based on Common Core & Other State Standards Evidence-Based Strategic Culturally Responsive Differentiated Additional Interventions (below benchmark) Identified Essential Outcomes Based on Common Core & Other State Standards Evidence-Based Culturally Responsive Differentiated Effective Universal Instruction (all students)

20 Selected Additional instruction Small group Skill area focus Aligned with universal instruction Evidence based–research Intensive More often; frequent Additional (intervention) Replacement (G/T) One-on-one or Small group Skill focused-narrowed Evidence based-research WI RtI Story: High Quality Instruction

21 High Quality Instruction Discussion Guide:  At Sherman Middle School, how did educators respond to the individual needs of all students?  How does Sherman support differentiated universal instruction in a heterogeneous setting?  How is data used to inform instructional practices at Sherman? What kind of data is used?  What behavior systems are integrated into a schoolwide system of support for students at Sherman and how might these systems increase academic achievement?

22 Technology & High Quality Instruction National Center on RtI What Works Clearinghouse Doing What Works Common Core State Standards Kansas University Center for Research on Learning Inside Mathematics Evidence Based Interventions Network Best Evidence Encyclopedia Florida Center for Reading Research Read Wisconsin Voicethreads Mobile devices and instruction Technology/lesson plans

23 Collaboration

24 Collaboration: Universal Level Focus on curriculum, assessment, and instruction (Cooperation, Coordination & Collaboration) Co-planning and co-teaching Screening Data Adjust instruction Common Assessment Various staff roles

25 Collaboration: Selected Level Selected Grade level/content groups/specialists Sharing of progress monitoring data Problem solving, regrouping, skill focus Collaborate for delivering selected supports Intensive Building-level problem solving team Sharing of progress monitoring data- formal Problem solving, regrouping, skill focus Various staff roles Frequency and intensity increase WI RtI Story: Collaboration

26 Collaboration Discussion Guide:  How does the School District of Beloit collaborate about universal student data and instructional practices?  What structures in your school support or interfere with collaborative time?  Currently, where does your school have time in the day to collaborate?  What Essential PLC Norms did you see in place in the Beloit video? What norms are in place in your school?  During lesson study, Beloit educators focus on evaluating lessons and creating lessons. What is the focus of your collaboration time?  How might Media Specialists and Technology leaders included in the conversation?

27 Technology & Collaboration All Things PLC Colorado DoE Problem Solving Team Training Video PLC Washington Google Docs for collaboration Google Spreadsheet: Share between all teachers and specialists who work with a grade. Teachers can remotely enter in screening and progress monitoring data in real time. Progress can be tracked and charted more efficiently. Google Calendar: Shared calendars can make scheduling interventions or enrichment times more efficient Adobe Connect/Google+ Hangouts: Can make collaboration between buildings much easier by allowing others to connect and collaborate via technology

28 Balanced Assessment

29 Balanced Assessment at Universal Continuous Review of Student Progress Multiple Measures Formal / Informal Screening Process

30 Assessment at Selected & Intensive Level Selected & Intensive Diagnostic Progress monitoring Multiple measures (formal/informal) Documented Intensity & formality increase Intensive Building-level problem solving team Sharing of progress monitoring data- formal Problem solving, regrouping, skill focus Various staff roles Frequency and intensity increase Balanced Assessment WI RtI Stories: Balanced Assessment

31 Balanced Assessment Discussion Guide:  How does data inform instructional practice at Shawano? How does data inform instructional practice in your school?  Shawano collects data from a variety of sources to plan for learning, to support learning, to monitor learning and to verify learning. What assessments are given in your school? What are the purposes for these assessments?  How does Shawano use data to have collaborative conversations? How could your school use data to have collaborative conversations?  This video showed RtI in a high school. How might you apply this approach at your school?  What did you notice that was challenging or interesting about Shawano’s approach to RtI?  One teacher mentioned “change is always scary for me.” What part of RtI Balanced Assessment pushes your comfort zone? What systems could be put into place to support you?  Is anyone using online, ongoing assessments? [Smarter Balanced Assessment examples]

32 Technology & Balanced Assessment National Center on RtI DPI’s Balanced Assessment System Webinars Smarter Balanced Assessment System Math Reasoning Inventory (FREE) EasyCBM (kinda Free) Lexile Framework for Reading Quantile Framework for Math Intervention Central (FREE) INTEL Assessing Projects (FREE) Mobile devices and assessment (google docs data entry, AIMSWEB data entry, etc) Websites that create CBMS

33 Professional Development Wisconsin RtI Center WI RtI Videos URL collection RtI for High Schools: CESAs Professional Associations/Organizations Regional Technical Assistance Coordinators Resources

34 Wisconsin’s Vision for RtI

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