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Auditory Processing Disorders. Definition Observed defciency in one or more of the following behaviors: –Sound localization –Auditory disrcrimination.

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Presentation on theme: "Auditory Processing Disorders. Definition Observed defciency in one or more of the following behaviors: –Sound localization –Auditory disrcrimination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auditory Processing Disorders

2 Definition Observed defciency in one or more of the following behaviors: –Sound localization –Auditory disrcrimination –Temoral aspects of audition, including Temporal resolution Temporal masking Temporal intergration Temporal ordering –Auditory performance decrements with competing acoustic signals –Auditory performance decrements with degraded acoustic signals.

3 What this really means… Difficulty localizing sound Speech discrimination (e.g., /∫ vs. s/ ) Difficulty with any aspects of sound duration. Difficulty with competing speech or other sounds. Difficulty with degraded speech signals

4 Symptoms Appear not to hear, or hear but don’t understand. Sometimes they understand without difficulty. Difficulty with academic performance even though intelligence is normal and hearing normal. Does significantly better in one to one settings.

5 Symptoms continued May have difficulty with social pragmatics. Difficulty with sarcasm & jokes. May not interact appropriately with others. High correlation with language delays/disorders High correlation with ADD (with and w/out hyperactivity).

6 Assessment Observation –Teacher, Parent, or others familiar with APD symptoms. Screening –Test for Auditory Processing Disorders (SCAN-C and SCAN-A)

7 Assessment Diagnostic (Normally performed by an audiologist) –Monaural Low-Redundancy Speech Tests Compressed Speech Filtered Speech Speech in Noise

8 Assessment Diagnostic (cont) –Dichotic Speech Tests Staggered Spondaic Words Dichotic Digits Dichotic Words & Sentences

9 Assessment Diagnostic (cont) –Binaural Integration Binaural Fusion Rapidly Alternating Speech Perception

10 Team Approach Audiologist SLP Psychologist Educator Health professionals Social Services Parents

11 Remediation Classroom modifications and individualized instruction. ALDs Speech-Language services –Language and phonological treatment –Fast-forward and Earobics

12 Summary

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