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Forest Knowledge Know-how Well-being A lasting foundation for the well-being and prosperity of the Finnish people, established by the sustainable, versatile.

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Presentation on theme: "Forest Knowledge Know-how Well-being A lasting foundation for the well-being and prosperity of the Finnish people, established by the sustainable, versatile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forest Knowledge Know-how Well-being A lasting foundation for the well-being and prosperity of the Finnish people, established by the sustainable, versatile use of forests. The Finnish Forest Research Institute will merge with MTT Agrifood Research Finland, the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute and the statistical services of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Tike on 1 January 2015, to form Natural Resources Institute Finland.

2 11/27/2015 2 Tasks The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) is a specialist research organisation which develops solutions to the challenges and questions posed by the care, utilisation, products, services and intangible value of forests.

3 Areas of strategic influence Forests and the community Sustainable silvicultural chains A forest economy- and forest environment -based knowledge pool. Entrepreneurial and business activity based on forests 11/27/2015 3

4 Strategic objectives The economic, social and ecological operational prerequisites of forestry as well as its acceptability will improve. Forest-related business operations based on intangible- value services will grow and become more comprehensive. Sustainable silvicultural chains will enable the versatile usage of forests under changing conditions. Business activity established on the basis of wood and forest biomass will increase vigorously and the value of both products and services will grow. Forestry- and forest environment-based knowledge pools will be applied extensively and effectively for the promotion of bioeconomics and well-being. 11/27/2015 4

5 Research programmes Forest for Multiple Purposes (2014-2018) New Forest and Forest Biomass Based Products and Services (2013–2018) FORESTENERGY2020 (2012–2016) Wood Energy - pathways to 2020 and beyond (2012–2016) 11/27/2015 5 Forests and Water (2013–2017) Wood Materials and Products in the Development of Bio-Economy (2014-2018)

6 Other tasks Metla is in charge of several focal information services and official tasks of the forest sector: Monitoring of forest health Greenhouse gas reporting Forest tree breeding Forest statistics Forest damage diagnostic and advisory service Testing and inspection of pesticides Timber scaling methods and guidelines Monitoring nutrient export from forestry areas National forest inventory 11/27/2015 6 Forest gene resources

7 Organisation MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY MANAGEMENT BOARD DIRECTOR GENERAL R & D services and knowledge and technology transfer Clients and other intrerest groups Official tasks Clients and other intrerest groups 11/27/2015 7

8 National and international Metla is one of best known international forest research institutes in the world. Metla’s products and services, and the data and know-how Metla generates and actively communicates, are utilised both nationally and internationally. 11/27/2015 8

9 Financing and Personnel Personnel Metla is one of the biggest forest research institutes in the Europe. The whole personnel is 650 and 47 percent of them are researchers. In 2013 the overall budget of Metla was 54 million €. 37 million euros were expended on research Other sources of financing with 11 million share were Ministry of Environment, Finlands Academy, Tekes, EU, Foundations, etc 11/27/2015 9

10 Metla serves Consultation and expert services Forest statistics information services Forestry modelling and analysis Information systems and methodological consultation services Laboratory services Environmental impact assessment services Know-how and education Publication sales Photo- archive 11/27/2015 10

11 Metla publishes Statistical Yearbook of Forestry Finnish Forest Sector Economic Outlook Working Papers Dissertationes Forestales Forest Finland in Brief Media Releases, Newsletters and Online Services Together with Finnish Society of Forest Science : Metsätieteen aikakauskirja - in Finnish and Swedish Silva Fennica - in English 11/27/2015 11

12 Forest Knowledge Know-how Well-being Thank you 11/27/2015 12 KNOWLEDGE Know-how Well-being Forest

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