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 Monrovia, Liberia  Alfred Sirleaf, editor- publisher  /film/culture/the-daily- talk/ /film/culture/the-daily-

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Presentation on theme: " Monrovia, Liberia  Alfred Sirleaf, editor- publisher  /film/culture/the-daily- talk/ /film/culture/the-daily-"— Presentation transcript:

1  Monrovia, Liberia  Alfred Sirleaf, editor- publisher  /film/culture/the-daily- talk/ /film/culture/the-daily- talk/ 11/27/2015MIT2000 1

2  Modes of Reading  Hearing Public or Reading public? 11/27/2015MIT2000 2

3 11/27/2015MIT2000 3 1. Hearing Public 1. Communal 1. binding 2. Local embrace 3. Face-to-face participation 4. Pulpit News 5. Religious(?) 1. Reading Public 1. Atomistic 1. fragmenting 2. Distant embrace 3. Vicarious partic. 1. Imagined Communities 4. Printed news 5. Secular(? )

4 11/27/2015MIT2000 4 1. Scarcity/expense writing material 1. stone, clay, papyrus, parchment 2. “Calligraphy as enemy of literacy”

5  Vernacular/text symbols  Low-cost operation  “Coffee house” with the coffee  Democratic Watchdog

6 MIT2000 11/27/2015 6

7 1. Transportation to Transmission Model 1. Message Faster than Messenger 2. Early Examples 1. smoke signals, drums 2. ship-to-ship/shore semaphore 11/27/2015 7

8 1. Claude Chappe (France, 1794) 2. Technology: 1. Wood, rope, iron, stone 3. “Software” 1. Code book 4. Paris-Toulon 760km: How long to send message? 5. Other lines (Strasbourg, Brussels) 11/27/2015 8

9 1. Military Use 2. Nationalism/ Nation State 1. Sweden, Russia, Spain, Prussia (1830s) 3. Exclusive State Use (France) 4. Drawbacks ? 11/27/2015 9

10 1. Samuel F. Morse (US) 1. Alfred Vail 2. atch?v=oo0hSZ9R_Xk atch?v=oo0hSZ9R_Xk 2. First message, 1844 1. Washington-Baltimore 3. Software: Morse Code 1. Dots/dashes linked to alphabet 4. Hardware: 1. Electricity, magnetism, reliable batteries 11/27/2015 10

11 1. Rapid Growth in Miles of Telegraph Cable 1. 1846: 40 2. 1850: 12,000 3. 1865: 37,000 (US) 2. 1861 transcontinental line 3. Pony Express 1. 1860-61 2. 10 days, MO to CA 11/27/2015 11

12 1. Conquer Distance 1. Space-biased 2. Sublime/Wonder 3. Use in Warfare 4. News Agencies: 1. Havas, Reuters, Associated Press 11/27/2015 12

13 1. Rail Right-of-Way 2. Monitor rail traffic (dispatching) 3. controlling device for ‘physical things’ 4. Integrated system 5. Transmission-cum- Transportation 11/27/2015 13

14 Optical Telegraph  5-10 characters/min  0-13 hours daily/summer  Many dozens of skilled employees Electrical Telegraph  60 per minute  24 hours  10+ times volume of information  Handful of skilled employees 11/27/2015 14

15 1. Central Offices 1. Lines/Local Offices 2. “same spoke” direct communication 2. Messenger boys 3. Reply mechanism 1. Circular Process 11/27/2015 15

16 1. Send messages/ verify receipt 2. Short-hand Lexicon 1. SFD, GM 3. “Network” socializing 11/27/2015 16

17 1. James Carey: 1. Maintenance of Society in Time (Time-biased media) 2. Extension of Messages in Space (Space---biased media) 2. How commodity markets work before telegraph? 1. Arbitrage trading 11/27/2015 17

18 1. National markets 1. Geographic distance less relevant 2. Space-binding media 2. Arbitrage to Futures 1. Speculation: from space to time 2. Futures contracts 11/27/2015 18

19 1. Chicago Commodities Exchange, 1848 2. De-contextualize markets 3. Eradicate Space; Speculate w/Time 11/27/2015 19

20 1. Printing press to Telegraph 2. Large capacity/less enduring 3. Administration 1. territorial control 4. Cultural homogenization 5. Secular 11/27/2015 20

21  Alexander Graham Bell  atch?v=aimMH-ChUK0 atch?v=aimMH-ChUK0  Scotland/Brantford/Boston  Deaf students/teachers  Acoustics/sound waves electronically  1876: patent/ demonstration 11/27/2015 21

22 1. Three Boxes 1. generator 2. Speaker tube 3. Wet-cell battery 2. Switchboard operators 1. female 2. (male telegraph operators) 11/27/2015 22

23 1. Voice transmission 2. Bi-directional 3. Real-time 4. Unskilled users 5. minimally mediated 6. Rapid growth? 11/27/2015 23

24 1. Telefon Hirmondo, 1. Budapest, 1893-1920s 2. 6,000 subscribers 2. Daily Schedule 1. News, concerts, children’s programs, etc. 3. Electrophone Co. (UK) 4. Telephone Herald (US) 11/27/2015 24

25 1. Telegraph Influence 2. Interactive Function 3. Complement Telegraph, not compete with 4. New Media Improve on Older Media 11/27/2015 25

26 1. Bell/AT&T 2. 66% of phone lines were business: 1893 3. Cities, not rural areas 4. High rates/Long distance 11/27/2015 26

27 Martin Article 1. Private Profit/Public Interest (Bell) 2. Business 3. Working classes 1. Independent Phone Companies, 1900s- 2. Alternative phone uses 1. Women 2. Community 3. Rural Party Lines 11/27/2015 27

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