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Purdue Status Report Summer Meeting 2012 Midwest Spatial Decision Support Interest Group Region 5 EPA July 9, 2012 Bernie Engel, Larry Theller, Youn Shik.

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Presentation on theme: "Purdue Status Report Summer Meeting 2012 Midwest Spatial Decision Support Interest Group Region 5 EPA July 9, 2012 Bernie Engel, Larry Theller, Youn Shik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purdue Status Report Summer Meeting 2012 Midwest Spatial Decision Support Interest Group Region 5 EPA July 9, 2012 Bernie Engel, Larry Theller, Youn Shik Park, Laurent Ahiablame. Agricultural and Biological Engineering Purdue University

2 Topics L-THIA LID improvements Fox River Project update (L-THIA Owls)

3 Effectiveness of low impact development practices in two urbanized watersheds: Retrofitting with rain barrels/cisterns and porous pavements Laurent Ahiablame Prof. Bernard Engel, Prof. Indrajeet Chaubey

4 4  How effective are LID practices at the watershed scale?  LID practices - lot level control measures  Current focus of research – runoff management with LID practices.  Impacts of LID practices on baseflow need to be investigated  at the lot scale  at the watershed scale The Problem

5 How to Proceed?  Monitoring – most appropriate (perhaps), expensive, time consuming, sometimes impossible.  Modeling – convenient, less expensive, time efficient, sometimes may be complex.  Modeling – L-THIA-LID

6 L-THIA Modeling of LID Practices  Standard procedure for LID modeling  Representation of LID practices  CN values  Consideration of design guidelines  Sizing factors  Computation of runoff, baseflow, total flow  Threshold area: IF watershed area ≥ 120 ha => baseflow  Computation of LID effectiveness index  Baseflow core equation  Regression model for Indiana conditions  Relationship between baseflow and LID practice  BFI versus CN  Baseflow pollutant coefficients

7 Improving L-THIA-LID  LID practices currently represented in L-THIA-LID  Bioretention/rain garden  Open wooded space  Porous pavement  Swale  Porous pavement + swale  Permeable patio  Green roof  Disconnected impervious surfaces

8 Improving L-THIA-LID L-THIA-LID Interface (VBA) Runoff (distributed approach) Baseflow LID Effectiveness Index

9 Little Eagle creek Little Buck creek Little Eagle Creek Little Buck Creek Land useArea (ha)Percent Area (ha)Percent Low Density Residential3872.854.83273.074.1 Commercial/Industrial2260.232.0538.912.2 High Density Residential271. Road/Street573.68.1366.38.3 Bare soil16.00.2-- Grass/Pasture77.41.1238.25.4 Total7070.9 4417.7 ScenarioDescription S1existing condition S225% rain barrel/cistern S350% rain barrel/cistern S425% porous pavement S550% porous pavement S6S2 + S4

10 Little Eagle Creek Flow (%)TP (%)TN (%) Runoff Scenario 2656 Scenario 311 12 Scenario 4333 Scenario 5556 Scenario 6889 Baseflow Scenario 2 Scenario 3-2 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6-2 Total flow Scenario 2253 Scenario 3596 Scenario 4121 Scenario 5243 Scenario 6475 LID Scenario Runs: 1991-2010 Effectiveness of LID practices

11 Little Buck Creek Flow (%)TP (%)TN (%) Runoff Scenario 2323 Scenario 3556 Scenario 4444 Scenario 5878 Scenario 6767 Baseflow Scenario 2000 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6 Total flow Scenario 2121 Scenario 3243 Scenario 4232 Scenario 5464 Scenario 6353 Effectiveness of LID practices LID Scenario Runs: 1991-2010

12 Summary  Simulated runoff, baseflow, and total flow for the baseline compared well with observed values during calibration and validation periods.  Calibration: R 2 and NSE > 0.5  Validation: R 2 > 0.4; NSE > 0.3  Effectiveness of LID practices at the watershed scale  Runoff + pollutants: 2 to 12%  Baseflow + pollutants: -1 to -2%  Total flow + pollutants: 1 to 9%  Good LID options for retrofitting in urbanized watershed  25% rain barrel/cistern adoption  25% porous pavement adoption  25% rain barrel/cistern + 25% of porous pavement adoption

13 “Fox River” Project Corps 516(e) project is collaboration with Michigan State University Institute of Water Research. Tools work together behind the interface. High-resolution data for 4 Priority Watersheds. Medium-resolution data for entire Great Lakes area.

14 Extends L-THIA online tool to entire Great Lakes area.

15 Floating, semi-transparent toolbars, collapsible menus, open architecture for partners, improved editing performance. New Area of Interest tool : Polygon “Select by HUC” to use a single HUC 12, 10, 8 outline.

16 Tool will now allow use of a polygon as an area of analysis. This will improve ability to model zoning and LID BMP areas.

17 -Display of HIT target layers -EPA Waters layers -GIS layers -Multi-resolution data layers

18 New Results Options

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