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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 11-14-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 11-14-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 11-14-2013

2 2 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Scope SC1 Techniques and Developments Scope Subcommittee 1 provides the technical expertise and resources necessary for maintaining existing and newly proposed C63 ® approved standards documents. New or existing measurement techniques and associated instrumentation, measurement methods, and limits development related to EMC are incorporated as assigned by the Main Committee ASC C63 ®.

3 3 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Memberships Subcommittee 1 and Working Group Membership List Two new members: Mits Samoto and Khairul Aidi Zainal

4 4 ChairVice ChairSecretary Chen, ZhongHodes, HarryO’Neil, JanetO’Neil, Janet (non-voting) NameRole within Subcommittee 1Affiliation Arthurs, MarkMemberSony Attayi, MasudMemberResearch In Motion Camell, DennisMemberNIST Chen, ZhongChairETS-Lindgren DeLisi, BobMemberUnderwriters Laboratory Ghizzone, DeanMemberNorthwest EMC Griffin, AndyMemberCISCO Systems Hare, EdHare, Ed (non-voting)SC1 Web Content ManagerARRL Harrington, TimMemberFCC Heirman, DonMemberDon HEIRMAN Consultants Hodes, HarryMemberProficiency Testing Services ng Hofmann, BobMemberHofmann EMC Engineering Hoolihan, DanMemberHoolihan EMC Consulting Kiemel, GregMemberNorthwest EMC Klinger, JeffMemberCompatible Electronics, Inc. Kuczynski, VictorMemberVican Electronics Lombardi, RickMemberVisteon Corporation Long, RandyMemberLaboratory Accreditation Bureau O’Neil, JanetSecretaryETS-Lindgren Parker, DougMemberLiberty Labs Pettit, GheryMemberIntel Potts. NateMemberLiberty Labs Samoto. MitsMemberLiberty Labs Asia Schafer, WernerMemberSchaefer Associates Sigouin, DanMemberIndustry Canada Silberberg, Jeffrey LMemberFDA Center for Devices & Radiological Health Umbdenstock, DonMemberTYCO International Wall, ArtMemberRadio Regulatory Consultants Ward, DennisMemberPCTEST Engineering Laboratory Whitesell, SteveMemberWhitesell Consulting, LLC

5 Update on Working Groups 5 C63.4 Third Recirculation ballot sent to balloting group August 2013; closed in September 2013. Ballot met the approval requirements % approval (majority test) entire ballot body: 73% % approval (2/3 rd test) returned votes, excluding abstentions: 82.6 % 4 negative ballots

6 November 2013C63® MeetingSlide 6 Third Recirculation Subjects 2 dB rule for cables and plug-ins (NR-new PINS) Rack mounted equipment set up (NR-E) Remove regulatory application of C63.4 (NR) Revise procedures above 1 GHz (NR-new PINS) Typo—change C63.26 to C63.23 (NR-E) Modify that table top material does not always affects measurements (NR-E) When hybrid antennas are used above 1 GHz the test site is not to be qualified using absorber patch (NR)

7 November 2013C63® MeetingSlide 7 Third Recirculation Subjects Recal for hybrids made same as other antennas (NR-E) 1 dB hybrid antenna tolerance is justified (NR) Date C63 ® references (NR) NOTE: PINS proposal to cover many of these items will be discussed later in the WG meeting

8 November 2013C63® MeetingSlide 8 Third Recirculation Subjects Enter items considered for future work into present document (NR-new PINS) Do not lose outstanding issue for next edition (NR- new PINS) Clarifying the use of CISPR 16-4-2 (MU) (NR-E) Remove Annex N-waiting for C63.5 (NR-T) Use “device” consistently (NR-E) Remove antenna cal by accredited cal labs (NR-T) Requirements for bonding impedance (NR-T)

9 Motion Motion to request that C63.4 final comment resolutions be circulated to the balloting group, and subsequently C63.4 to move to publication. 9

10 WG C63.5 Status Several revisions were processed, last version D4.8 IEEE reviewed and provided editorial comments – Aug 2013 Sent to main committee – Sept 2013 Balloting started – Oct 2013 Ballot ended – Nov 8, 2013 SC1 – May 201310

11 WG C63.5 Status IEEE statement of results There were 26 people in the ballot pool and 20 balloters responded. Of the 20 responses, there were 6 disapprovals (with comments), 1 abstention, 10 approvals (with comments) and 3 approvals (with no comments). The ballot did not pass according to the C63 Operating Procedures as the majority of the balloting group did not approve the document (13 out of 26 = 50%). SC1 – May 201311

12 WG C63.5 Plans Compile comments and develop response. Incorporate comments into another draft for new ballot Re-circ ballot February next year SC1 – May 201312

13 WG C63.25 status Measure TD and sVSWR at 4 spots and 2 heights in several labs. Need test plan Measure to 12 GHz Determine correlation between two methods. NWEMC chamber(s) measurement UL chamber measurement Look at using PODS/bicon as TD antenna Measure TD ringdown signature Study modeling of antennas o Compare different antennas o Revise current draft to update IEEE formatting. SC1 - May 201313

14 WG C63.25 Plans Measure UL SAC in November 2013 Measure other site(s) ? Send out revised draft to WG by February 2014 SC1 - May 201314

15 C63.26/10 WWG met on November 11 th and 12 th, 2013 1.28 attendees (5 via webinar) + 9 observers 2.C63.10-2013 published on September 13, 2013 3.Reviewed draft of C63.26-201x 4.New draft to be compiled end of January, 2014 and balloted within Subcommittee 1. 5.Voting results and comments to considered at next WWG meeting 6.Revised PINS submitted for approval - compliance testing of ( licensed) transmitters used in licensed radio services

16 C63.7 New PINS C63.7 Guide for Construction of Open-Area Test Sites for Performing Radiated Emission Measurements (Free Space OATS) Working groups formed with Don Heirman, Bob Hofmann, Harry Hodes, Cooer LaFond and Ray Klouda Initial draft is circulated with in the working group. 16

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