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WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING 2 ND GRADE Cara Whitehead, NBCT John S. Jones Elementary School Rainbow City, AL.

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Presentation on theme: "WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING 2 ND GRADE Cara Whitehead, NBCT John S. Jones Elementary School Rainbow City, AL."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING 2 ND GRADE Cara Whitehead, NBCT John S. Jones Elementary School Rainbow City, AL

2 AGENDA  What is Whole Brain Teaching (WBT)?  Why do we use WBT?  How do I get started with WBT?

3 WHAT IS WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING (WBT)?  WBT is a learning technique that involves all areas of the brain by using orderly fun.

4 WHY USE WBT?  “We know the behavior of challenging kids cannot be improved by heavier and heavier doses of punishment.”  “We punish because we don’t know what else to do.”  “Most challenging kids genuinely want to be part of the classroom environment; this is why they work so hard, and continually, to get everyone’s attention.”  “If a student’s whole brain is involved in learning, there isn’t any mental area left over for challenging behavior.”  “The longer we talk, the more students we lose.”



7 RESOURCES  Biffle, C. (2013). Whole brain teaching for challenging kids (and the rest of your class, too!). Yucaipa, CA: Whole Brain Teaching LLC].

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