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Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 1 VINAYAK S. KHANVALKAR PARTNER KANJ & ASSOCIATES, COMPANY SECRETARIES.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 1 VINAYAK S. KHANVALKAR PARTNER KANJ & ASSOCIATES, COMPANY SECRETARIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 1 VINAYAK S. KHANVALKAR PARTNER KANJ & ASSOCIATES, COMPANY SECRETARIES

2 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 2 Need for: Investor protection. Investor awareness. Investor education.

3 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 3 Issue of Shares

4 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 4 Prospectus and Allotment Private Placement

5 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 5 Preferential Allotment Bonus Shares

6 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 6 Acceptance of Deposits

7 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 7 Acceptance of Deposits made stricter. Eligible Companies. Credit rating

8 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 8 Deposit Insurance Secured Deposits

9 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 9 Directors

10 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 10 Duties of Director Defined Independent Director Code for Independent Director

11 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 11 Shareholders’ democracy

12 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 12 E-voting

13 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 13 Postal Ballot

14 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 14 IEPF (Investor education and protection fund)

15 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 15 Dividend unclaimed for seven years, to be transferred to IEPF.

16 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 16 ANY QUERIES?

17 Overview of Companies Act, 2013 Topic Name and Faculty Name 17

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