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Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Pentecost. Why did Jesus institute the Church? He wanted to reveal God and his plan He wanted to reveal God’s teachings He wanted.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Pentecost. Why did Jesus institute the Church? He wanted to reveal God and his plan He wanted to reveal God’s teachings He wanted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Pentecost

2 Why did Jesus institute the Church? He wanted to reveal God and his plan He wanted to reveal God’s teachings He wanted it to be for everyone in every age He promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide us

3 Turn to page 69 in your textbook. Read Acts 2. What would this be like today?

4 The Effects of Pentecost upon the Apostles. Why were the apostles in the upper room? Who was with them? What were the apostles like after Pentecost? Would the conversion of so many people have had an effect on the apostles? How?

5 Evangelization To bring the Good News to all men. We are all called to do this. How can we bring the Good News to others?

6 Structure of the Early Church Christians lived in small communities and shared all their possessions. They lived together to be a support to one another in the Faith and to gather for worship. They were guided by the apostles who governed them, taught them the Faith, and brought them the sacraments Deacons were ordained to tend to the needs of the people. Read Acts 6. All people were held in great dignity and were cared for by the community.

7 Compare the early Church to the Church we know today. What can we do to be more faithful followers of Christ?

8 Novenas Nine day prayers usually made to a saint or as part of a special devotion. The nine day period is modeled after the nine days the apostles and Mary spent in prayer between the Ascension and Pentecost. We will say a novena Friday in the Chapel.

9 Novena Prayers Some common novenas are: Divine Mercy Novena: form St. Faustina St. Jude Novena: patron of hopeless causes Little Flower Novena: To St. Therese of Lisieux Novena to the Sacred heart St. Benedict Novena Novena for Priests St. Joseph Novena

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