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Joshy PM Agricultural Officer Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Mobile 09447531572 E mail- m Vattamkulam Krishibhavan,

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Presentation on theme: "Joshy PM Agricultural Officer Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Mobile 09447531572 E mail- m Vattamkulam Krishibhavan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshy PM Agricultural Officer Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Mobile 09447531572 E mail- m Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

2 Conventional Farm Media. 1. News Papers. 2. Magazines 3. All India Radio 4. Doordarshan 5. Television Channels etc Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

3 Individual Media. Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala News Letter Telephone Mobiles E mail etc.

4 Social Media Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

5 Tamil Nadu co-optex used FB for marketing – enhanced Rs. 58 crore as annual turn over Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

6 Govt. of India Issued a guidelines for the use of social media Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

7 FaceBook Facebook is an online social networking service. The users can create a User profile, add other users as "friends", exchange messages, photos, videos etc. Within FB, three types – Profile, Group, Page Facebook had over 1.3 billion active users Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala


9 Face book - Features Mass media and individual media are combined Two way communication Sharing of Feelings Postings combined with Texts, Pictures, Video etc. ‘Like’, ‘Comments’ and ‘Share’ facilities ‘Chatting’ Facilities Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

10 Face book – Features (contd) Different level of privacy such as ‘Public’, ‘Friends’, ‘Only me’, ‘Custom’ etc Notification facilities will save our time To reach and retain the message up to the next login of the targeted group. * Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

11 Why we need Facebook in Agriculture? To Disseminate new Technologies, Skills, Practices etc. To Communicate with the farmers. To publish the reports of various activities. To identify the newer practices of the farmers. Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

12 Why we need Facebook in Agriculture? (contd) To give the details of projects/ Schemes which are being implemented To popularize the policies of the Government To introduce the model farmers to others To create the interest groups – Organic farming etc To find suitable markets, sellers, consumers etc. Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

13 Why we need Facebook in Agriculture?(contd) To motivate farmers To give urgent instructions to tackle a field problems To give various farm tips * Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

14 Vattamkulamkb FB at a glance Profile opened on September 2012 Friends 5000 (Maximum), reach 5 lakhs Total Postings – 1150 Total pictures posted -1400 Groups joined – 12 Average likes – 125 Average comments - 15 Group Administrator - 1

15 Vattamkulam Experience Easily connected with youths, professionals etc Initially Progressive and educated farmers were utilized the facility Later on we connectd with the family through their children and relatives Utilized the service of NRIs for extension FB acted as our own independent media Cross border extension is possible An android mobile phone with internet is sufficient. Management of farm clinics are very easy Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

16 Popular Postings of Vattamkulam Krishibhavan Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

17 Safe Light Trap for predators and parasitoids from IARI New Delhi Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

18 Simple Soil Testing Instrument for all parameters from IISS, Bhopal Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

19 Grafted vegetables seedligs – A new technology Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

20 Paper seed sowing – A very new technology from RARS Pattambi Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

21 Seminar on FB and Agriculture- 24.5.2014 Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

22 Indu – selected among the best 10 women farmers by karshaka sree. Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

23 Chandran Master – Our organic farmer who received state award 2015 Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

24 Social Media initiatives in Kerala Vattamkulam Krishibhavan created a succesfull FB model for agriculture. Thrithala Krishibhavan developed a model for group cultivation of Rice using FB Groups named thrithala peruma and nelkrishi – cross border agriculture. Approximately ten popular FB groups for Agriculture (mainly for organic farming, vegetables, rice, Terrace Farming, and marketing) Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

25 Important FB initiatives in Kerala (contd) The Dept of Agriculture has decided to include FB for Agrl Extension More than 100 Krishibhavans actively using FB Some groups actively engaged for marketing Efforts to improve the KCC with multiple channels for communication utilizing the Social Media platforms by SFAC Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

26 Vattamkulam FB model to entire state Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala APC Sri. Subratho Biswas IAS chairing a meeting to implement the FB extension throughout the state. Rs.6.5 Crores earmarked for this purpose

27 Major Recognition Received State Best Agricultural Officer Award 2014 Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

28 Decan Chronicle 10.5.2014 Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

29 Decan Chronicle 23.5.2015 Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

30 What are the points to be noted Always Use Regional fonts ( Unicode) Keep Regular Postings Give comments, replies, likes etc. regularly. Always honour the policies of the government Keep off from political, communal matters Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

31 What are the points to be noted (contd) Apply the principles of farm journalism  Give a beautiful heading  Give an ‘intro’ as first line  Write a brief description.  Give atleast one photograph Always follow the recommendations Promote others Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

32 Groups- Vattamkulamkrishi Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

33 Our Team Ramlath TP, Assistant Agricultural Officer Unnikrishnan T, Assistant Agricultural Officer Bindhu RS, Agricultural Assistant Gr. II Ali P, Part Time Sweeper Salitha, Accountant (temporary) Girija OP, Helper (temporary) Joshy PM, Agricultural Officer Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

34 Our sincere thanks to IFPRI and CRISP Sri Subratho Biswas IAS, Agrl. Production Commissioner. Sri. R Ajithkumar, Director of Agriculture Dr. C Bhaskaran, Professor of Agrl. Extension (Rtd) Dr. Rajasekharan, Agri Chief, Planning Board Mrs. Sindhu VP, Agricultural Officer (My wife) Vattamkulam Krishibhavan, Malappuram, Kerala

35 Joshy PM Agricultural Officer Krishibhavan, Vattamkulam Malappuram Dt Mob - +91 9447531572 E mail – Facebook – Whatsapp- + 919495800003 On and behalf of Vattamkulam Team

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