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1 Cray Inc. 11/28/2015 Cray Inc Slide 2 Cray 2004-2010 Cray Adaptive Supercomputing Vision Cray moves to Linux-base OS Cray Introduces CX1 Cray moves.

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1 1 Cray Inc

2 11/28/2015 Cray Inc Slide 2 Cray 2004-2010 Cray Adaptive Supercomputing Vision Cray moves to Linux-base OS Cray Introduces CX1 Cray moves to x86 with AMD Opteron with XT3 Announces Intel and AMD will be incorporated into future Cascade Announces XT5m “mini” for the mid- range Cray scales production systems to the petascale CX1000 for the cluster/hybrid for departmental markets Cray Linux Environment Version 3 (CLE3) ORNL, NICS, HECTOR, NERSC5&6, DOD HPCMP(AFRL, ERDC, NAVO, ARL, ARSC), CIELO, KMA, CSCS, CSC, NCAR, IndianaU, UofDuisberg-Essen, ISM, SWIFT, SNL, JRTRI, U of Bergen, HRLS and many others.

3 Deskside “Ease of Everything” Mid-Range Supercomputing Production Scalable Capability Clusters Hybrid Capable High-End Supercomputing Production Petascale Cray XT6 Cray XT6m Cray CX1 Cray CX1000 100 TF to Petascale $2M+ 10TF to 100+ TF $0.5M to $3M 2 TF to 10+ TF $100K to $800K Deskside $15K to $120K 3 Cray Inc

4 4 For the first time in a long time… The most powerful supercomputers on the planet… Enables applications at over a sustained petaflops and… can also run your key ISV applications. ® ® ® ®

5 5 Benefits of CLE3 and Cray’s Adaptive Supercomputing Vision Performance: Support ultimate scalability Scalability to run sustained petascale applications New storage and IO features with improved Lustre support Improved scheduler features and support Better high-multicore node support with “Core Specialization” Reliability: Industry-leading system availability Node health checking with “Advanced NodeKARE” Improved network resiliency Improved serviceability and node replacement Compatibility: Industry-standard OS base SUSE base linux Improved parallel IO support with “Data Virtualization Service (DVS)” Introducing CCM – Cluster Compatibility Mode Flexibility: OS adapts at job runtime Extreme Scalability Mode and Cluster Compatibility Mode Cray Inc

6 6 No compromise scalability Low-Noise Kernel for scalability Native Comm. & Optimized MPI Application-specific performance tuning and scaling ESM – Extreme Scalability Mode No compromise compatibility Fully standard x86/Linux Standardized Communication Layer Out-of-the-box ISV Installation ISV applications simply install and run CCM –Cluster Compatibility Mode CLE3 run mode is set by the user on a job-by-job basis to provide full flexibility Cray Inc

7 Many Applications running in Extreme Scalability Mode (ESM) Submit CCM application through Batch Scheduler, nodes reserved qsub -q ccm Qname AppScript Nodes assigned by batch SW and configured for CCM Executes the batch script and Application Other nodes scheduled for ESM or CCM applications as available After CCM job completes, CCM nodes cleared CCM nodes available for ESM or CCM mode Applications Slide 7 Cray XT6/Baker System Service Nodes Compute Nodes CCM Mode Running ESM Mode Running ESM Mode Idle Cray Inc

8 Install out of the box No changes to install procedure Install on shared storage Any globally shared storage available on the compute nodes Supports networked licenses 8 Cray Inc

9 CLE3 Offers our 3 rd Generation SUSE Linux based OS New features for performance, scalability, reliability and compatibility Roadmap for further improvements Cray Inc 9 2009-2013 XT5/XT5m XT6/XT6m (G34/SS) Baker (G34/Gemini) CLE 2.x Cascade CLE 3.x Future OS Releases CLE 2 Released 2008-2009 CLE 2 Released 2008-2009 CLE 3 - Released 2010 XT5/XT5m/XT6/XT6m/Baker AMD Opteron TM 6100 Series Processor Cluster Compatibility Mode 1.0 Core Specialization LUSTRE 1.8 DVS Enhancements CLE 3 - Released 2010 XT5/XT5m/XT6/XT6m/Baker AMD Opteron TM 6100 Series Processor Cluster Compatibility Mode 1.0 Core Specialization LUSTRE 1.8 DVS Enhancements 2011 Baker+ Future AMD Opteron TM 6000 Series Cluster Compatibility Mode 2.0 ISV Applications Acceleration 2011 Baker+ Future AMD Opteron TM 6000 Series Cluster Compatibility Mode 2.0 ISV Applications Acceleration Cray Systems

10 Cray Inc 10 CrayPAT Cray Apprentice Iterative Refinement Toolkit Cray PETSc, CASK DVS ® ® ®

11 Every XT6 Cray System Includes Cray Integrated Tools Cray Compilation Environment Fortran/C/UPC/CAF/C++ Optimized OpenMP/MPI Libraries CrayPat, Cray Apprentice2 Optimized Math Libraries Iterative Refinement Toolkit Cray PETSc, CASK Customer-selected Options Compilers PGI, PathScale Debuggers TotalView, Allinea DDT Schedulers Moab, PBS Professional, LSF 11 Cray Inc Compilers, libraries, programming aids and tools to {enhance | improve} application performance and programmer productivity

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