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Edgar Allan Poe “The Cask of Amontillado”

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1 Edgar Allan Poe “The Cask of Amontillado”
Unit 3 English I

2 Gothic horror story emphasizes
the grotesque the mysterious the desolate the horrible the ghostly the abject fear aroused in audience purpose is to create terror 

3 “The Cask of Amontillado”
Carnival season

4 “The Cask of Amontillado”

5 Assignment (remember new assignment expectations)
Honors 1. Define the vocabulary words on the ‘Vocabulary’ slide 2. Answer the questions on the ‘Honors Questions’ slide Advanced Honors 2. Answer the questions on the ‘Advanced Honors

6 Vocabulary Impunity Retribution Wont Redress Repose Obstinate

7 Honors Questions 1. Paraphrase the first paragraph of the story.
2. What is the overall mood, or atmosphere, of this story? In your opinion, what contributes most to the mood—the setting, the rhythm and tone of the language, or the descriptions of Montresor’s thoughts, feelings, and actions? Provide details from the story to support your opinion. Identify 3 examples of irony from the story—include line number/s, an explanation of what is happening in the scene, and why it’s ironic. Begin each example on a new line on your paper. Identify 1 example of foreshadowing—include line number/s, an explanation of what is happening in the scene, and what it’s foreshadowing. What characteristics of the narrator make him an effective villain?

8 Advanced Honors Questions
1. Paraphrase the first paragraph of the story. 2. What key detail is missing from Montresor's account of his plot against Fortunato? How does this omission raise certain questions about Montresor himself? 3. Identify 4 examples of irony in the story—include line number/s, an explanation of what is happening in the scene, and why it’s ironic. Begin each example on a new line on your paper. 4. Using what you know about the role of setting and the elements of gothic stories, explain the importance the setting plays in this story. Support your claim with evidence from “Amontillado.” 5. Identify 1 example of foreshadowing.

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