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Improving Student Engagement and Achievement Through Blended Learning Peter Anello & Steve Courchesne Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic DSB.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Student Engagement and Achievement Through Blended Learning Peter Anello & Steve Courchesne Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic DSB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Student Engagement and Achievement Through Blended Learning Peter Anello & Steve Courchesne Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic DSB

2 Agenda Our Story with Blended Learning @ NPSC LMS Tools – Content, discussion, dropbox, quizzes DI Troubleshooting / Challenges Next Steps

3 Introductions Peter Anello e-Learning Contact Stephen Courchesne Grade 7-8 Teacher St. Hubert School

4 Blended Learning @ NPSC Spring 2011 – Blended Learning at Blended Learning Symposium (Near North DSB) Fall 2011 – Blended Learning made available at NPSC – Blended Learning Symposium (Sudbury) – Implementation into Steve’s class

5 Presentation Breakdown LMS Tools – Description – How they are being used Student samples Testimonials

6 Video Testimonials Students were asked to respond to the following question: – “How would you like to see technology used in your classroom or in your school?” – “Share any ways that it is currently being used that you really like.”

7 28 students 2 Mobile Labs – PC and MAC SMART board Steve’s Class

8 Wireless network access throughout school BYOD implemented fall 2011


10 Content Course materials and assignments uploaded to LMS Easily accessible as web pages Features such as links, images, videos and interactive objects can be embedded Accessible 24/7

11 Content

12 Content Accessible online 24/7

13 Content Features such as links, images, videos and interactive objects can be embedded


15 Discussion Threaded message forums and topics Secured within the LMS Assignment/Topic specific threads General and/or troubleshooting forums

16 Discussion: Examples 1.Students helping each other

17 Discussion: Examples 2.Keeping teacher in line

18 Discussion: Examples 3.Students using description/feedback to help with criteria

19 Discussion: Examples 4.Students trying to problem solve the assignment criteria

20 Engagement Statistics Tell Tale Heart Assignment 28students X 9questions to complete = 252total expected responses 248 were submitted on time…


22 Dropbox Used for file submission Feedback left by instructor All activity is time & date stamped

23 Nathan – 1 st Submission

24 Nathan – 2 nd Submission

25 Nathan – Final Submission

26 Melanie – 1 st Submission

27 Melanie – 2 nd Submission

28 Melanie – 3 rd Submission


30 Quizzes Teacher and student- driven question creation Assessment and/or evaluation Check your understanding

31 Quizzes


33 Communication Tools Homepage News – Broadcast messages to entire class Pager – Instant messaging Email All safe and secure within LMS

34 Email - Sample

35 DI



38 Access to Technology Internet @ home – Not mandatory to use LMS after school hours BYOD – School laptops/computers available to all students

39 Challenges Tech literacy – Typing skills Netiquette (online discussions/chat/email) – Student/parent agreement

40 Troubleshooting Software compatibility – Word/WordPerfect/open office, pages Saving in rich text format (rtf) or in word mode


42 Summary

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