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Linear Block Code 指導教授:黃文傑 博士 學生:吳濟廷 2004.02.10.

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Block Code 指導教授:黃文傑 博士 學生:吳濟廷 2004.02.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Block Code 指導教授:黃文傑 博士 學生:吳濟廷

2 OUTLINE Introduction Encoding Decoding Conclusion Generator matrix
Parity check matrix Syndrome Error correction Conclusion


4 Source v.s. Channel Coding
Why source coding ? Eliminate redundancy in the data Send same information in fewer bits Why channel coding ? Combat channel effects Coding gain

5 Code taxonomy Today

6 Linear Block Code A (n,k) block code , where
Block : encoder accepts a block of message symbols and generates a block of codeword Linear : addition of any two valid codeword results in another valid codeword

7 Code Rate Code rate Code rate increases , error correcting capability decreases more bandwidth efficiency Code rate decreases , error correcting capability increases waste of bandwidth

8 Vector Space In a binary field addition multiplication

9 Vector Space and Subspace
Vector space : set of all binary n-tuples , Vector subspace : subset S of vector space All-zeros vector is in S Sum of any two vectors in S is also in S = 16 4-tupels Subset of

10 Vector Space structure
Packing the space with as many codewords as possible Codewords to be as far apart from one another as possible Linear block-code structure

11 A (6,3) Linear Block Code But ….. How to generate all these codewords ? message vector 6-tuples

12 Generator Matrix We could use look-up table for small k
But for larger k, we use the generator matrix G For (6,3) code The same method for the other messages….

13 Generator Matrix where P is the parity array
k (n-k) k where P is the parity array and is the k*k identity matrix

14 Codeword using Generator Matrix
For a (n,k) code where

15 Parity-Check Matrix Parity-check matrix H enable us to decode
For (k*n) generator matrix G, there exist an (n-k)*n matrix H (n-k) (n-k) k

16 Parity-Check Matrix It’s easy to verify that for each codeword U, generated by G and the to check if each basis still has orthogonality

17 Syndrome Testing Let r be a received vector, where is an error pattern
Syndrome of r is defined

18 Syndrome Testing For example, if transmited and received The syndrome
And the syndrome of error pattern error

19 Error Correction Stand array : represent possible received vectors contains all the correctable error Coset leader =0 coset (n,k) standard array

20 Standard Array Coset : a set of numbers having a common syndrome
Coset leader : correctable error patterns Received vector doesn’t mean the Tx message is for sure except the error pattern is

21 Error Correction Decoding Procedure
Calculate syndrome of r : Locate the coset leader : Corrected codeword :

22 Example for (6,3) code Standard array for (6,3) code

23 Example for (6,3) code Assume transmitted received Syndrome
Use look-up table The same as transmitted codeword !!

24 Conclusion Linear block code is easy to implement
Will be extended to space-time block code Still some other kinds of code to introduce …

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