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Name: An Hoang Class Period: 6 WordSentenceCorrect Dictionary Definition Trifling Slaves were whipped for the most trifling incidents. Not serious Lenient.

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2 Name: An Hoang Class Period: 6

3 WordSentenceCorrect Dictionary Definition Trifling Slaves were whipped for the most trifling incidents. Not serious Lenient Other drivers were more lenient.Being kind and patient. Dexterity I learned to handle the whip with marvelous dexterity and precision. Mental skill or quickness. Vigorously I would commence plying the lash vigorously. Having strength or energy of body or mind. Fluctuated Prices fluctuated according to the economic climate and what was happening to the world. To change continually and especially up and down.

4 The author wrote to inform students about how slavery was like back then from different perspective. The intended audience for this book would be students. This book teaches students the differences between right and wrong.

5 The text structure that the author used is description. He used description because he used signal words like: Such as, For instance, For an example, and characteristics.

6 How slaves were captured and their condition in ships that transported them. Captured -They would lie and wait until somebody came by, and then capture him. -African chiefs would make war on another tribe for the purpose of capturing as many people as possible. He would then turn them over to the white slave traders in exchange for goods. -African chief would agree to sell some of his tribesmen or others he captured in a battle. Conditions in ships -They were chained together. -millions died. -Other died because they took their own lives rather then live as slaves. -Had nothing to eat but yams. -A lot died from diseases.

7 SubjectAuthor’s Feelings Text Evidence SlaveryFelt slavery was wrong. When I think of slavery it makes me mad. - Thomas Hall

8 ParagraphsMain Idea Beginning-Page # 31-32 Master, Powhatan Mitchell, treats everyone equal no matter what race they were. Middle-Page # 48 Auctioneers would make slaves look good and healthy to be sold at the auction. End-Page # 90 House servants wanted their master's interests, so they would be spies for them.

9 DetailsPage #Comments One of the constant tools that the slaves used to resist the spiritual brutality of slavery was music. 111 Slaves expressed themselves with music. It was a way they could show their emotions. If this has been omitted, than what detail would tell how the slaves get through the pain of being enslaved. The houses of the slaves were generally made fit for animals than human beings. 62 Owners treated their slaves just like animals. If this has been omitted, what would the owners compare their slaves to. Slave owners would brainwash the slave, to destroy his mind and replace it with the mind of his master. 76 & 77 Owners wanted their slaves to serve only them. They wanted to fill their minds with only the thoughts of the owner and nothing else.

10 What the Book SaysConclusions Drawn Situation: Susan spied on the masters and heard that Gabe and Rufus were going to be sold. Character Actions: Told her father. Gabe and Rufus ran away that night never to be seen again. Situation: Charles Ball wanted to win his master’s favor. Character Actions: Captured two slaves who murdered the daughter of a neighboring slave owner and gave three fish. Owners had nothing but compliments, so he felt disappointed.

11 Title: Conflict in Black and White 1. Martin Luther King 2. Blacks and whites separated 3. Segregation ended 4. Protesting against segregation 5. Civil rights act Source: Title: How to be a Slave 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Civil war 3. Segregation began 4. Stories from real people who were once slaves 5. Slavery ended and there was freedom Both: similar 1. Racism 2. Fighting for rights 3. Unfair decisions 4. People getting hurt 5. In the end they got freedom and more rights

12 FactsPage #Comments Slavery differed from country to country, but it was in America that a system of slavery evolved that was more cruel. 27 Although there were slavery in other countries, America was the most cruelest. State of Virginia was acknowledge as a slave breeding state. 39 Virginia was where the slaves were be dropped off and auctioned. Slave owners preferred women who could bear any children. 40 Owners wanted to have generations of slaves that would serve them, so they preferred women. Quite often the owners would sell their slaves because of debt issues, for personal, or business reasons. 39 They sold their slaves so that they would get more money. State legislatures began passing laws restricting the movements and activities of blacks. 150 This is what began the segregation.

13 OpinionsPage #Comments Some auctioning block became a source of joy. 51 & 52 Some slave owners weren’t that bad. This was included because there was still hope to some slaves. Slave experienced was characterized by a vicious cruelty. 32 Slaves were treated really badly. They were tortured in a way that can be described. There were some slaves whose owners were there real fathers. 31 Some slave owners treated their slaves as if they were part of the family. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the writer of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, I don’t like her. - Thomas Hall 155 Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book that started the whole war. So that is why Thomas hall doesn't like the author. When I think of slavery it makes me mad. - Thomas Hall 156 Thinking back on what happened to innocent people was devastating.

14 1. On page 150 and 151, when slaves prayed for freedom and got it, they didn’t know what to do with it. I can relate to that. When I was six years old, I wished for a bike. I asked my mom everyday by giving her hints that I wanted a bike. And when it was my birthday, I finally got what I wanted, but I didn’t know what to do with it because I didn’t know how to ride a bike at that time. I wouldn’t say that I dislike it; because sooner or later the slaves would know what to do with their freedom just like me when I learned how to ride a bike after I got it. 2. On page 48, when families would be separated, I can relate to that. Because one time when my family was going out to eat, they left me at a restaurant by myself not knowing that they left. I tried to search for them around the restaurant and even outside, but they were no where to be seen. I started to bawl out my eyes till I saw a familiar car coming towards me and my mom coming out to hug me. I didn’t like it when they left me alone. I felt as if they were leaving me there not coming back to get me. I didn’t like that moment. I can feel the way the slaves did, all sad, lonely, and scared. 3. On page 90, when slaves would betray their own kind, I can relate to that, because when it was Thanksgiving, my uncle would always play tiger, where he would act like a tiger and look for his prey (kids) and would bite them hard. I, my brothers, and my cousins hid from him so that he wouldn’t get us. As we were hiding, he came and my older brother jumped up and shouted “There’re right there!” He sacrificed us to save himself. He escaped while the rest of us were tortured. I can feel the betrayal the other slaves felt. I never liked the betrayal because the bite wasn’t that pretty.

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