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Vulnerability of Women & Children to HIV/AIDS DR. KANUPRIYA CHATURVEDI DR. S.K. CHATURVEDI.

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Presentation on theme: "Vulnerability of Women & Children to HIV/AIDS DR. KANUPRIYA CHATURVEDI DR. S.K. CHATURVEDI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vulnerability of Women & Children to HIV/AIDS DR. KANUPRIYA CHATURVEDI DR. S.K. CHATURVEDI

2 What is Vulnerability? “that may be wounded” “Susceptible of injury” “Exposed to damage” (lit. or fig.)

3 25% of all HIV infection fall in women, with an accompany increase in vertical transmission and pediatric HIV Reported median of HIV prevalence among pregnant women exceed 2%in most high prevalence states Already about 660,000 young women and 345,000 young men aged between 15-24 years are living with HIV/AIDS Over 50% of all new infections occurring among young people aged below 25 120,000 AIDS orphan children and 160,000 AIDS children living in the country Who Are Now the People Infected & Affected by HIV/AIDS in India?

4 Vulnerability Factors of Women Overall Status Illiteracy Low Control on Reproductive Rights Low Access to Health Care Lack of Knowledge Violence Against Women

5 Vulnerability Factors of Women Sex ratio: 933/1000 (~ 25 million missing)

6 Women & Education Close to 245 million women lack the basic capability to read and write (over 50% of women in India) Women’s literacy lower than men Gross school enrolment rate is 65% for boys and 49% for girls, ages 11-14 Drop out rates: 60% for girls, 54% for boys (middle school) Gender gap in literacy is increasing in some states (Rajasthan – girl enrolment 33.3%, boys 83%)

7 Women & Reproductive Rights 26% married by the age of 15 and 54% by 18 36% of married adolescents between 13 and 16, and 64% between 17and 19, are already mothers or pregnant with first child 52% of women have never used contraception (condom use < 3%) Little control over fertility and reproductive rights

8 Women & Access to Health Care Annual Pregnancies 27 million % ANC Coverage (1/3+) 65.4/38 % Institutional Deliveries 33.6 % Deliveries attended by Skilled Birth Attendants 42.3 High prevalence of STI/RTI Births is by adolescent mother 1/10 MMR is ~ 500/100,000 live births

9 Percent Women aged 15-49 who Have Heard of HIV/AIDS MICS-2000

10 Percent Women aged 15-49 who Know all Three Modes of Vertical Transmission of HIV MICS-2000

11 Women & Violence Violence inside and outside the family 74% increase in crimes against women 1980-1990 (rape, molestation and torture showing the highest rate of growth) Children account for 30% of total rape victims

12 Vulnerability Factors of Adolescents Early debut of sexual activity Lack of Knowledge Lack of an enabling environment where to acquire this knowledge Misconceptions

13 HIV/AIDS Awareness among Adolescents < 20 years - FHAC 2000 Correct knowledge about benefits of condom use to prevent STI/HIV Used condom during last intercourse Source: FHAC Coverage Evaluation AIIMS/INCLEN/USAID 2000 32 53 3.4 6.3

14 Proportion of 15-19yr olds willing to share food with a HIV positive person: Rural 020406080100 All India Assam West Bengal Jharkhand Chatisgarth Karnataka Orissa Bihar Sikkim Gujarat NE (ex sikkim & Manipur) J&K UP MP Rajasthan Maharashtra Urraranchal Haryana Himachal Pradesh AP Delhi Tamil Nadu Punjab Kerala Manipur

15 Vulnerability Factors of Children Parent-To-Child Transmission of HIV Lack of Access to Treatment Lack of coordinated Efforts for ‘Care & Support’

16 Rationale for Prevention of Parent-To- Child Transmission of HIV in India 27 million pregnancies per year 108,000 infected pregnancies Annual Cohort of 32,000 infected newborns 0.4% prevalence 30% transmission 25,000 - NACO50,000 - NNF 25,000-50,000 deaths within few months to 5 years

17 Some Lessons Learnt: Increased knowledge of women about how to prevent HIV/AIDS

18 Some Lessons Learnt: Reduced transmission of HIV from mother to infant

19 1985 Focus on HIV as a health problem Prevention Care Recognition of Multi-Sectoral Response Care Prevention in general populations Targeted interventions 1995 Multi-Sectoral Strengthening Response 2005 Prevention Care Strengthening the Response: a Paradigm Shift

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