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Workplan for bottom(s) up approach to ecosystem service observation Belinda Reyers, Patty Balvanera.

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1 Workplan for bottom(s) up approach to ecosystem service observation Belinda Reyers, Patty Balvanera

2 AIM Recognising that there are several sub-global ecosystem service observation and assessment activities on the go, or planned, this GEOBON- Ecosystem Services workplan has as its objectives to contribute to the coordinated development of: Sampling protocols to identify new data streams to complement ongoing bottom up observation efforts; and Standards for the collection of ecosystem service observations at local scales.

3 ASSUMPTIONS Local scale means anything that is sub-national and includes field site, as well as landscape level observations The bottom up approach is designed to complement the top down approach in the following ways (see next section for examples of services): –Validation of observations that are made of ecosystem services that can be measured and assessed at national and global levels –Collection of observations for ecosystem services which cannot be observed in a top down fashion at national and global scales (e.g. cultural services, regulation of water quality?, regulation of soil productive potential?, pollination?)

4 Service Validation of observations at national and global levels Observation of services that cannot be observed at national and global scales Carbon stocks/uptake/release √ Firewood √ Fodder/pasture √ Superficial and basal runnoff √ Sediment retention √ Wild sources of food √ Non-timber forest products √ Regulation of human disease √ Regulation of agricultural and forestry pests √ Cultural services (e.g. place, inspiration, bequest, identity) √ Water quality √ Soil productive potential √ Crop pollination √

5 INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION The workplan could follow 2 possible routes in collecting the observations for ecosystem services at sub-national scales: 1) Coordination of a global effort to identify and implement sub-global observations; or 2) Collaboration with existing sub-global programs to select and implement observations (GEOSS model)

6 Potential partners 1) UNEP’s MA follow up 2) The current multitude of Sub-Global Assessment activities. 3) The ICSU Program for Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) 4) The ecosystem service indicator programs 5) NEON 6) The ILTER 7) The Global Carbon Project 8) DiverSus 9) Global Water Watch (GWW) 10) Other continental or national networks studying ecosystem services

7 WORKPLAN Establish communication between all the potential partners Identify the set of sites in which the program is to be implemented Criteria Number/type of ecosystem services measured Representative of key biophysical and social conditions Long-term service monitoring commitment/feasibility

8 WORKPLAN Development of a set of standard protocols to local scale ecosystem service observations Toolbox of selected methods and guidelines for selection Co-development of selected protocols and services for selected sites Development of working groups and shared tools for comparison among sites ServiceSource Carbon stocks/uptake/releaseIPCC, Global Carbon Project, Invest, MA Timber, firewood, fodder/pastureMA Superficial and basal flowCommunity monitoring Sediment retentionInvest Cultural servicesChan et al in prep Water qualityNEON?, Invest Crop pollinationInvest

9 Workplan Establishment of a network for regular local scale ecosystem service observations and assessment delivery

10 TIMELINE Task 1- Communication among potential partners March – June 2011June 2011 meeting of the MA follow up strategy and appointment of SGA secretariat 2- Site identificationJune 2011 – October 2011 3- Toolbox of selected methods and guidelines for selection October 2011-February 2012 4- Co-development of standards and guidelines February 2012-June 2012 5- Development of working groups and tools for comparative analysis February 2012-June 2012 6- Establishment of a network for regular local scale ecosystem service observations and assessment delivery June 2012-

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