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RaDIATE October Technical MeetingOctober 8 2015 BLIP Irradiation Planning Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments.

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Presentation on theme: "RaDIATE October Technical MeetingOctober 8 2015 BLIP Irradiation Planning Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 RaDIATE October Technical MeetingOctober 8 2015 BLIP Irradiation Planning Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments

2 RaDIATE News and Notes  12th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology  Satellite meeting of International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology  V. Kuksenko presented RaDIATE work on NuMI Be window examinations  BeGrid (HRMT-24) experiment took beam at CERN  Highest intensity pulse: 216 bunches of 1.3e11 ppb at 0.3 mm sigma beam spot  Online instrumentation indicates rough agreement with simulation  Plastic regime reached, no visual evidence of melting or sputtering  PIE to start at Oxford in January October 7 2015 P. Hurh 2

3 RaDIATE News and Notes  PASI (Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation) 2016  Nov 11-13 at Fermilab  US/UK meeting (others are welcome)  HPTW (High Power Targetry Workshop) 2016  April 10-15 at Oxford  At least one materials session  NSUF pre-proposal submitted  Fermilab, PNNL, Michigan, Oxford  Triple-beam irradiation of beryllium at Michigan  PIE at PNNL October 7 2015 P. Hurh 3

4 BLIP Irradiation Planning  Input collected  Primarily studies initiated by Fermilab  FRIB/MSU, CERN, ESS also proposed studies  First pass using dE/dx (SRIM tables) at proton energy “budget”  Assumes 8 capsules of samples  200 MeV beam in  112.65 MeV beam out (to US window of isotope targets box)  Next steps  Simulation of individual sample materials for DPA and Edep  Modify capsules to include “vacuum degrader” spaces  Modify capsules to adjust for desired irradiation temperatures  Modify sample layers for PIE requirements (sample geometry)  Detailed simulations to assess energy “budget” and thermal performance October 7 2015 P. Hurh 4

5 Spreadsheets  Go to input spreadsheet and energy “budget” spreadsheet  Note many details in energy “budget” spreadsheet  If you play with this yourself, be careful as some energy degradation values are calculated from curves (will update with changes) others are manually entered from SRIM tables (will not update automatically) October 7 2015 P. Hurh 5

6 Capsule and “Basket” Geometry  Capsules contain layers of samples  Capsule design is within our control (within reason)  Capsules sit within capsule holders which fit inside the BLIP target basket  We will make our own basket  Basket MUST conform to the BLIP requirements on outside dimensions and features to interface with BLIP drive box  Basket will be designed to interface with our custom capsules on the inside  Each “user” will be responsible for:  Design and fabrication of their samples to fit capsules  Conceptual design of their capsule(s) for thermal/structural performance  But expected to follow BLIP/Fermilab guidance  Most likely capsules will be fabricated, assembled and welded at BNL or Fermilab October 7 2015 P. Hurh 6

7 Capsule and Basket from 2010 October 7 2015 P. Hurh 7

8 Capsule loaded with samples October 7 2015 P. Hurh 8

9 BLIP drive box and basket October 7 2015 P. Hurh 9

10 Drawings and Layouts October 7 2015 P. Hurh 10

11 Capsule Holder Geometry October 7 2015 P. Hurh 11

12 Tensile Sample Geometry (depends on PIE equipment!) October 7 2015 P. Hurh 12

13 “CTE” sample geometry October 7 2015 P. Hurh 13

14 Next Steps  Users: Review Test Matrix ASAP  Confirm materials, number of layers, thicknesses, sample types  Work with PIE suppliers to obtain acceptable sample geometries  Review dose and temperature requirements  BNL: Identify nominal beam parameters  Likely average beam current or flux  Likely beam spot size  Acceptable running periods (how long of a run is possible?)  Fermilab: Simple Calculations and Simulations  Peak DPA per material  Energy deposition  First pass thermal calculation to identify capsules needing insulating layers October 7 2015 P. Hurh 14

15 Goal of these next steps  Identify test matrix modifications to accommodate PIE requirements  Provide information for detailed sample and capsule design  Identify capsules/materials needing thermal insulation to reach acceptable irradiation temperatures  Assess expected total DPA and weigh against expectations  Get Users to start communicating with PIE suppliers to ensure sound experiment design  Allow scheduling of the run with the packed BLIP schedule October 7 2015 P. Hurh 15

16 BLIP visit in November  Planning for a BLIP visit November 18-20  Useful for Users to visit to see the facility and assess BLIP PIE capabilities  Possibly another visit is possible early in 2016? October 7 2015 P. Hurh 16

17 A word on irradiation temperature  Go to P. Hurh’s 2010 presentation on thermal modeling  Can use vacuum in capsules (may result in too high temperatures?) (weld at BNL)  Can use gas in capsules such as He or Ar (weld at Fermilab)  Can use additional layers of samples (combine capsules) or insulators (adds to energy budget) to achieve higher temps on middle-most layer  NOTE: Largest delta T is usually from capsule surface into water (6,000-7,000 W/m 2 /K). Cooling water is boiling! October 7 2015 P. Hurh 17

18 Questions?  Work through e-mail please  Another meeting to be planned soon! October 7 2015 P. Hurh 18

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