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Composition Types of volcanoes Distribution V o l c a n o e s Types of deposits Part I.

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2 Composition Types of volcanoes Distribution V o l c a n o e s Types of deposits Part I

3 Volcano: A mound of material that is extruded to the Earth’s surface from a vent that is connected to a magma chamber via a feeder conduit.

4 The nature of the extruded material (and the volcano itself) depends on the properties of the magma. Volcanoes are classified according to their form. The form of a volcanoes depends on the type of material that it is made up of. Magma: Molten rock within the Earth. Magma is called lava when it reaches the surface.

5 SiO 2 content controls the viscosity of a magma. The composition of magma determines the type of rock that forms when it cools and its behavior during an eruption. Main controls on behavior: chemical composition (largely silica dioxide - SiO 2 - content) and gas content (largely water vapor and CO 2 ). Viscosity: a measure of how easily a fluid flows. Water has a low viscosity, molasses has a much higher viscosity.

6 There are three basic types of magma: The names are based on the rock type that forms when the magma crystallizes. Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Viscosity, in turn, controls the amount of gas that can be trapped in the magma. The greater the viscosity the more gas in the magma.

7 Magma Type Chemical Composition Temperature (degrees C) ViscosityGas Content Basaltic45-55% SiO 2 ; High in Fe, Mg, Ca; Low in K, Na. 1000 - 1200Low Andesitic55-65% SiO 2 ; Intermediate Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K 800-1000Intermediate Rhyolitic65-75% SiO 2 ; Low in Fe, Mg, Ca; High in K, Na 650-800High

8 Overall, the behaviour of the magma determines the type of volcano that develops: Low SiO 2 magmas, with little gas and low viscosity, flows readily through their vents and across the land surface when the lava escapes the vents. High SiO 2 magmas, gaseous and with high viscosity, tend to plug their vents until the force of escaping magma blows the vent clear; such magmas cause explosive volcanoes.

9 Types of volcanic deposits (photos from USGS) Volcanoes also vary in terms of the types of deposits that they produce. Lava: Hot (up to 1200 degrees C), fluid, molten rock that flows along the land surface.

10 Lava can flow like viscous water, including forming lava falls.

11 Pahoehoe: Lava with a ropelike surface texture due to partial cooling as the lava flowed. Relatively hot, low viscosity lava.

12 Pahoehoe

13 A thick deposit of pahoehoe lava

14 Aa: Blocky, rough lava flow. Due to high viscosity lava that flowed pushing chunks of solid and semi-solid blocks.

15 Lava tube: A tube formed by cooling and solidifying of the lava walls while fluid lava continued to flow inside.

16 Pillows: A form of closed lava tube (with a bulbous end) that forms when a lava flows into water (e.g., a lake or ocean) and cools very rapidly. Pyroclastic material: Debris formed by a volcanic explosion. Results when magma is very viscous. Tephra: The general term for all pyroclastic material that is ejected from a volcano. Different terms apply according to the size of the tephra. (syn. Ejecta)

17 Ash: tephra that is finer than 2 mm in diameter.

18 Lapilli: from 2 mm to 64 mm in diameter. Blocks: hard fragments greater than 64 mm in diameter.

19 Bombs: soft, partially melted fragments greater than 64 mm in diameter.

20 Tuff: A deposit made up of ash. Welded tuff: A deposit of pyroclastic material that was laid down while still very hot and particles become fused together. Ash fall: Fallout of very fine ash from the air. Volcanic ash fall during mid-day with the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

21 Ash flow: Pyroclastic debris that flows downslope. Lahar: A water saturated slurry of ash and other volcanic debris that flows downslope.

22 Nuée Ardente (glowing cloud): A hot, gaseous cloud of ash that flows down slope. Flow speeds can reach 160 km/hr and temperatures can exceed 600 degrees C.

23 Classification of volcanoes The processes and deposits dictate the morphology of volcanoes. Three types of volcano: Volcanoes are classified according to their morphology.

24 Shield volcanoes: dominated by lava flows. Photograph by J.D. Griggs on January 10, 1985 Muana Loa Volcano – the world’s largest volcano.

25 Cinder cones: dominated by pyroclastics. Forms an isolated conical mound of tephra. Photograph by J.P. Lockwood on 1 December 1975

26 Stratovolcanoes: mixture of lavas and pyroclastics. Syn. Composite volcanoes Mount Mageik volcano, Alaska Photograph by R. McGimsey on 15 July 1990

27 Shield Volcanoes Dominated by fluid, high temperature, low viscosity basaltic magma. Low, dome-shaped profile, like an inverted shield.

28 Typical slopes approximately 15 degrees. Lava flows downslope, away from a central vent or a series of vents. Many shield volcanoes have a central caldera: USGS Calderas form after an eruption when the surface collapses. Each caldera is located at the site of a former eruption.

29 Low viscosity lava forms fountains of lava flowing from vents near the volcano summit.

30 The lava flows easily down the gentle slopes….reaching the ocean during some eruptions.

31 Where the lava is relatively cool eruptions form small cinder cones on the volcanoes surface.

32 Dominated by viscous, gaseous magmas Cinder Cones Mount Edziza, British Columbia Relatively cool basaltic magmas or andesitic magmas predominate.

33 Internally constructed entirely of layers of pyroclastic deposits (blocks, bombs, lapilli). Slopes are steep, at angle of repose. Angle of repose: the natural maximum angle that a pile of loose, unconsolidated material will form.

34 Typical angles: 30 to 40 degrees. Range from several metres to over 300 m in height. Commonly associated with old shield volcanoes with a relatively cool, basaltic magma.

35 Volcanoes that alternate between periods of lava flows (constructive phase) and periods of explosive eruptions (destructive phase). Commonly called “composite volcanoes” because they are made up of both lava and pyroclastic deposits. Steep slopes, at angle of repose or greater. Stratovolcanoes © Noemi Emmelheinz 2001

36 The constructive phase often ends with a destructive phase – an explosive eruption. May lay dormant for thousands of years. Can grow to thousands of metres high during constructive lava flow phases. On average, andesitic magmas with a high gas content. Gases add great pressure when the feeder conduit becomes plugged, contributing to the explosive power. Actually, a mix of basaltic and rhyolitic magmas in many cases.

37 Mt. St. Helens Before Mt. St. Helens After

38 Extensive ash falls and ash flows are commonly produced during explosive phases.

39 After an eruption a large caldera remains. Crater Lake is a caldera that remains following an explosive eruption 7,700 years ago. The eruption was 42 times more powerful than Mt. St. Helens.

40 The Distribution of volcanoes

41 Along the oceanic ridge. Parallel to oceanic trenches. Over hot spots originating from the mantle. The vast majority of volcanoes are located:

42 Volcanoes along trenches Examples: Japan, most Pacific Islands, Caribbean Islands, west coast of North and South America.

43 2/3 of all volcanoes are along the Ring of Fire that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.

44 Volcanoes result from magma rising off the melting subducted plate. The composition of the magma is andesitic (melted basaltic crust plus sediment carried on the crust). Magma is very gaseous, particularly enriched with water vapor. Stratovoclanoes are constructed from feeder conduits extending to the surface.

45 Granitic (rhyolitic) intrusions are also formed, becoming trapped within the volcanic pile overlying the region of subduction. Potential for very explosive eruptions.

46 Mt. Fuji, Japan A stratovolcano that has erupted 16 times since 781 AD. The most recent eruption was in 1707-1708 0.8 cubic km of ash, blocks, and bombs were ejected during that eruption. (Greater than Mt. St. Helens and there were no fatalities).

47 Similar situation on the west coast of North and South America. Volcanoes formed by intrusion into the mountain chains that result from compressive forces between oceanic and continental crust.


49 Volcanoes in Canada? For a catalogue of Canadian Volcanoes go to….. There are many inactive volcanoes in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. None are erupting at the present time. At least three have erupted over the past several hundred years.

50 Oceanic Ridge Volcanoes Most volcanic activity is under water. Basaltic pillow lavas dominate the submerged volcanoes. Intrusion of material from the magma chamber creates new oceanic crust as the sea floor spreads.

51 Shield volcanoes occur where volcanic activity extends to the surface (e.g., Iceland). Iceland is growing by volcanic expansion of the ridge.

52 Volcanism Associated with subduction Volcanism associated with rifting

53 Volcanoes and Hot Spots Hot Spot: a point on the crust immediately above a hot plume within the mantle. Heat from the mantle (and some magma) rises to the hot spot. Rising mantle material termed a mantle plume. mantle plume

54 Hot spots can occur beneath oceanic or continental crust. Mechanism first proposed by J. Tuzo Wilson (a Canadian geophysicist) to illustrate that plates actually move.

55 The Hawaiian Islands consist of eastern active volcanic islands and inactive volcanic islands to the northwest.

56 Further northwest of the islands are seamounts (underwater mountains that are submerged islands).

57 Just southeast of Hawaii is an undersea volcano known as Loihi.

58 Until 1996 Loihi was thought to be an inactive seamount. It began erupting in 1996 and the eruptions were preceded by a cluster of small earthquakes indicating the movement of magma.

59 The modern active island rests close to the hot spot and its shield volcanoes are fed from the magma that the hot spot generates.

60 The Pacific plate is moving towards the northwest. The volcanic islands have been successively “pushed off” the hot spot by plate movement.

61 As the crust moves it ages, becomes cooler and more dense, causing it to subside. The seamounts are old islands that have subsided to below sea level.

62 The seamounts represent even older islands that have been pushed further from the hot spot.

63 Recent studies suggest that the Hawaiian Hot Spot has moved over time.

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