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Elements of a supportive work environment:

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of a supportive work environment:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of a supportive work environment:
Managing the Strategic Work of People In an Exceptional Organization Informed about objectives (what, why, how) Informed about results (how much, why, when) Effective Communication and Feedback System Participation in those Decisions that Affect them Provided Adequate Skill and Knowledge Through Training and Exposure to New Ideas Climate for Better Understanding And Personal Ownership of Corporate Plans

2 Characteristics of strategic work:
Enablers of Success: Management Commitment Skilled People Strong Support Infrastructure Valued by Customers Valued by Organization Personally Satisfying Strategic Work

3 Values development cycle:
Connecting People VALUES BEHAVIOR ATTITUDES CULTURE Culture reinforces values. Values define attitudes. Attitudes influence behavior. Behavior creates culture. Management must be the role model of its desired behaviors to create a pervasive, self-perpetuating business culture.

4 Individual Contributor vs. Technical Manager
Expert, in-depth technical knowledge Specific area problem solving capabilities Generator of innovative ideas Self-motivator Self-doer Technical Manager Broad technical knowledge Total system problem solver Stimulates innovative ideas Motivates others Delegates, coordinates, advises, teaches, mentors

5 Values sustain our way of working:
Customer Satisfaction: Keeps the focal point of the entire organization centered on its customers. Employee Value: Maintains the relevance and importance of our work to business priorities. Stakeholder Value: Concentrates on business objectives and uses common sense to flexibly manage our choices as we are faced with new challenges or contingencies that were not anticipated in our plans. Continuous Learning: Sustains our performance improvement by discovering how to work better based on facts and using data to make better decisions.

6 Putting it all together:
Value System A common way of working is delivered by these four cultural values: The winning spirit -- striving for results Common vision and clear personal priorities High morale and uncompromising business ethics Teamwork and collaboration across functional boundaries Communication, feedback, and respect for diverse opinions Appreciation for the contributions of others Empowered decision making using facts over opinions Personal responsibility for implementation of actions Recognition and reward based on measured performance

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