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MCB’s Role in Broadening Participation BIO Advisory Committee November 18, 2004.

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1 MCB’s Role in Broadening Participation BIO Advisory Committee November 18, 2004

2 Broadening Participation Must be Integral to everything we do. l Recruiting rotators l Recruiting panelists l Selecting reviewers l Mentoring l Outreach

3 Broadening Participation through Research Grants l Emphasis on Criterion 2 for all proposals l CAREER Awards for Integration of Research and Education l Supplements to research grants: REU, ROA, RET, for adding graduate students and post-docs from underrepresented groups.

4 Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards l Margaret Werner-Washburne, Presidential Young Investigator, Univ. of New Mexico l Marilyn Gunner-Presidential Faculty Fellow, City College of CUNY l Jill Bargonetti-Hunter College of CUNY, PECASE Awardee l Squire Booker-Penn State, PECASE Awardee l Derek Brazill-City College of CUNY

5 Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards Kurt Lamour, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, CAREER: A Reverse Genetic Tool for Functional Genomics l Research Objective: To develop a reverse genetic, functional genomics tool for Phytophthora to isolate gene-specific mutants. l Education-Outreach Goals: Develop an educational program based on the Phytophthora sojae reverse genetics tool. l Activities include: A summer workshop hosted jointly by the University of Tennessee and Knoxville College serving undergraduates, graduate students and faculty from HBCUs.

6 Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards Gina McDonald, James Madison University, CAREER: A Difference Infrared Spectroscopic Study of a Nucleotide Binding Protein. l Became a PECASE Award in 1999 l Research Objective: Structure-function studies of RecA, a protein from E.coli involved in DNA repair and recombination, using biochemical and biophysical techniques including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. l Education-Outreach Goals: Establish a new biochemical laboratory and involve undergraduates and current and future high school teachers in l Integrated Research and Education activities expanded to include deaf or hard-of hearing teachers, undergraduates and high school students.

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