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Chapter = 1 Communication Process. Meaning of Communication Keith Davis says “ Communication is the process of passing of information and understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter = 1 Communication Process. Meaning of Communication Keith Davis says “ Communication is the process of passing of information and understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter = 1 Communication Process

2 Meaning of Communication Keith Davis says “ Communication is the process of passing of information and understanding from one person to another.”

3 Characteristics of communication Two or more persons Exchange of ideas and information Use of words as well as symbols Mutual understanding Personal and Non-Personal communication Continuous process Circular process Universal

4 Objectives of marketing communication Inform Remind Brand Preference Dissatisfaction Create Demand Attract dealers and middlemen Face competition Maintain coordination Better relations between management and staff Inform to the market intermediaries like suppliers.

5 Communication Process Source Encoding of Message Communication Channel Receiver/Target audience Decoding of message Response /Feedback Noise

6 Factors affecting marketing communication process Nature of target audience Nature of product Available finance Competing units Availability of time Objective of communication

7 Forms of Communication Oral communication Written Communication Gestural communication Formal communication Informal communication Downward communication Upward communication Horizontal communication One-way communication Two-way communication

8 Role of communication in marketing Provides Information Persuades Reminds Creates Demand Promotes customer satisfaction Creates brand preference Boosts morale of sales force Attracts dealers and stockists

9 Helps to face competition Core of direct marketing Helps in product planning Helps in price determination Helps in designing promotional programmes

10 Steps in effective marketing communication Identifying the Target audience and their characteristics Determining communication objectives Designing the message Deciding the communication budget Deciding the appropriate communication mix Deciding the channel Transmitting the message Measuring the results.

11 Source in marketing communication

12 Considerations in selecting source Source Credibility Source attractiveness Cost of source Other points.

13 Message Message content Message format Message Source

14 Noise in marketing communication process Wrong designing of message Wrong Encoding of message Selection of inappropriate media Wrong media scheduling Wrong decoding of message Media clutter Lengthy message Use of technical and multiple meaning words Disturbance in media Wrong assumptions Business of receiver

15 Suggestions for making effective communication process Clarity of message to the sender Appropriate language Simple encoding Selection of appropriate communication components Appropriate media Appropriate time of communication Repetition of message Consistency in message Regular feedback

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