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Investigating Land-Atmosphere CO 2 Exchange with a Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Model: SiB3-RAMS K.D. Corbin, A.S. Denning, I. Baker, N. Parazoo, A. Schuh,

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating Land-Atmosphere CO 2 Exchange with a Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Model: SiB3-RAMS K.D. Corbin, A.S. Denning, I. Baker, N. Parazoo, A. Schuh,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating Land-Atmosphere CO 2 Exchange with a Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Model: SiB3-RAMS K.D. Corbin, A.S. Denning, I. Baker, N. Parazoo, A. Schuh, L. Lu Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1371 Acknowledgements R esearch funded by NASA Earth System Science Fellowship 53-1970. Motivation Using atmospheric tracer transport models, inverse modelers can estimate the strengths and spatial distribution of carbon sources and sinks; however, the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions must be accurately estimated so that the biospheric and oceanic fluxes can be isolated and quantified. The most current fossil fuel CO 2 emissions estimates are based on country level production data allocated to a 1 o by 1 o map using political units and human population density [Andres et al., 1996]. To improve the current estimates, high-resolution fossil fuel emissions estimates (36 km spatial resolution at timescales of one hour) are being produced by incorporating CO 2 emissions factors into a process-based, data-driven air quality emissions model for the United States [Kevin Gurney, personal communication]. The goal of this research is to evaluate the high-resolution fossil fuel emission estimates and to analyze the impacts of various spatial and temporal resolutions of fossil fuel emissions on the CO 2 concentration using a coupled biosphere- atmosphere model. New Model Features The Model: SiB3-RAMS The Model: SiB3-RAMS The Model: SiB3-RAMS Preliminary Model Evaluation Updated model to SiB version 3 and introduced new features Further testing and model refinement required Implement CO concentrations in SiB3-RAMS - Source from fossil fuel combustion - Monthly-mean OH map for conversion to CO 2 Conclusions and Future Work August 10-18, 2004 Meteorology compared to WLEF tall tower observations in Wisconsin Fluxes compared to WLEF CO 2 concentrations at WLEF tower July 15-18, 2004 WLEF SGP Satellite Driver Data Initial Soil Moisture and Respiration Factors CO 2 Initial Conditions: Lateral Boundary Conditions : Initial CO 2 concentration at 30 m for July 15, 2004. Initialized CO 2 concentrations from the Parameterized Chemical Transport Model (PCTM) - 1 o x 1.25 o spatial resolution - 20 vertical levels Lateral boundaries of SiB3-RAMS simulations nudged to PCTM CO 2 concentrations - 3 hourly time-step - Interpolated spatially and vertically Initial soil moisture field created for each individual grid cell using offline SiB3 Autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration factors created for each individual grid cell with SiB3 Initial prognostic variables for SiB3-RAMS created for each grid cell from SiB3 offline simulation Photosynthesis can be driven by MODIS satellite data - Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) > Updated each 8-day period > 1 km resolution Simple Biosphere Model Version 3.0 (SiB3): Photosynthesis: Farquhar C3 (1980) and Collatz C4 (1992) Ball-Berry equation links assimilation to stomatal conductance and the surface energy budget Respiration based on Q-10 temperature response and soil moisture, calculated to balance NEE annually Two-stream radiation approximation to calculate incident direct and diffuse visible and near-IR radiation Fully implicit calculations for prognostic variables (T, CO 2, water) 10 soil layers and up to 5 snow layers CSU Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS): Comprehensive mesoscale meteorological modeling system [Pielke et al., 1992; Cotton et al. 2002] Harrington two-stream radiation scheme [1997] Grell convection parameterization scheme [1993] Lateral boundary nudging of meteorology SiB3-RAMS simulations: August 10-18, 2004 July 15-18, 2004 Covers most of NA (see initial CO 2 for grid coverage) 40 km grid spacing NCEP Eta-40 km Reanalysis Data for init/boundary meteorology Soil classification from IGBP with 10 km resolution Fossil fuel emissions from Andres et al. [1996] Biome classification at 1 km resolution from AVHRR [Hansen et al., 2000] Initial and boundary CO 2 from PCTM simulation Simulates observed wind at 396 m Reasonable water vapor and relative humidity at 30 m Overestimates daytime surface windspeeds Overestimates temperature Underestimates temperature diurnal cycle CO 2 concentrations at Southern Great Plains tower (SGP) in Oklahoma (25 m) Slight overestimate of sensible heat flux Reasonable latent heat flux Captures night-time respiration Daytime draw-down slightly overestimated Not enough diurnal variability No flux on the 10 th due to overcast conditions Not enough near- surface CO 2 build-up at night Modeled CO 2 too low, likely due to PCTM initial conditions Captures jump in 396 m CO 2 on 16 th Simulates surface CO 2 well at site Captures diurnal cycle and variability reasonably well Diurnal cycle underestimated 396 m follows PCTM concentrations rather than obs NEE well-captured with model Diurnal cycle underestimated Respiration during evening overestimated in model

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