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San Francisco Bay Area Network Natural Resources Communication Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "San Francisco Bay Area Network Natural Resources Communication Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Francisco Bay Area Network Natural Resources Communication Strategy

2 Why a Communication Strategy? To find out: –How is natural resource information currently communicated among parks, divisions, partners? –What are the challenges to getting sufficient information? –What form of information delivery is most useful? A joint effort of and

3 Looking for Answers Interviews and questionnaires Summary of feedback Evaluation of existing sources Recommendations for new processes and products

4 How People Want Their Information  It varies, but in general: –Personal communication –Concise briefings, factsheets, and newsletters with visuals and a link to more information –Websites –Symposia and brown bag lunches

5 Communication Challenges (Some common themes emerge…)  Many had never heard of existing sources  Too much data, not enough synthesis –Lack of adequately tiered information  Information is scattered, hard to find –Need a single, searchable, well organized repository of information  Partner groups lack access  Need more collaboration between natural resources and interpretive staff

6  E-mail updates and newsletters  Annual reports  Websites and intranet  Web conferencing  Podcasts/DVDs How to Address These Challenges? (good news, there’s no need to start from scratch)

7  Contact lists  Annual state of the resources update  Science symposium  Brown bag lunches  Power Point road show  Logo  One-stop-shop website Filling in the Gaps


9 So, What Now?  Draft plan is posted  Taking it on the road to different parks  Implementation –Already starting for some –How to make sure the plan is widely used? –How to increase collaboration between natural resource and interpretive staff?

10 Michelle O’Herron (415) 331-3679

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