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TEOS Group Presentation The Interns: Kathlyn Bland Devin Sevilla Martin Gawecki The Mentor: Eric Graham.

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Presentation on theme: "TEOS Group Presentation The Interns: Kathlyn Bland Devin Sevilla Martin Gawecki The Mentor: Eric Graham."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEOS Group Presentation The Interns: Kathlyn Bland Devin Sevilla Martin Gawecki The Mentor: Eric Graham

2 A Closer Look at Bracken Ferns: Stomatal Response Presented by Kathlyn Bland

3 Interesting to study on an ecological and economic basis Differences in the physiological aspects of fronds will be due to acclimation to differences in above-ground conditions The plant as a whole has competing goals of maximizing its carbon gain and minimizing its water loss. Exposed fronds (sun-fronds) may be acclimated to conserve water as a priority over carbon gain and so will have rapid stomatal responses. Fronds occurring more in the understory (shade-fronds) may be acclimated for carbon gain at the expense of more water lost and so may have slower stomatal responses as they wait for sunflecks (that will contribute substantially to their carbon budget).

4 Time series for stomatal conductance low light high light low light high light

5 Time series for stomatal conductance low light high light low light high light

6 Time series for stomatal conductance Induction Stomatal reopening under high light Stomatal closure with low light

7 Time series for stomatal conductance Things to compare between fronds in different light conditions: Rates at which stomata open and close: 1.Time for full induction after high light starts. 2.Time to reach minimum conductance after beginning of shade period. 3.Time to return to maximum conductance after high light is resumed. Absolute values of photosynthesis and conductance: 1.Maximum photosynthetic rate in high light. 2.Maximum stomatal conductance in high light. 3.Total drop in conductance due to shade period.

8 Automated Infrared Gas Sampling for Terrestrial Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Concentration Gradients (that thing we talked about last time) Presented By: Devin Sevilla and Martin Gawecki

9 Results of Previous Experiments Two experiments run in the last 2 weeks –White Mountains Deployment –James Reserve Data Issues with IRGA and Solenoids Searching for New Materials –Efficient solenoid valves operating at 120V AC –Efficient pump

10 James Reserve CO 2 Data

11 James Reserve H 2 O Data

12 The Other TEOS Project Spectral Analysis of Charge Coupled Devices in Context of Digital Cameras as Biological Sensors (that other TEOS project)

13 Image Processing Procedure Spectral Power Distribution Analysis Color Space Transformations MATLAB Image Toolbox Biological Data Analysis

14 Spectral Power Analysis: Goals Using illuminants and a spectroradiometer to characterize response of camera’s CCD –Wavelength selector –Integrating Sphere –Spectroradiometer Comparison of CCD responses under various lighting conditions with the Color Checker Chart

15 Spectral Power Analysis: Target Data Data for the Sony camera is available and we would like to replicate this for the Cannon camera This will allow us to translate the perceived color and the real color from the camera’s CCD

16 Spectral Power Analysis: Procedure 1.Measure spectral power distribution of standard illuminants 2.Measure CCD response to selected standard illuminants 3.Map relation of spectral power to selected color space values of camera 4.Get spectral spectral power distribution (SPD) of flowers 5.Map the SPD of the flower to expected color space values of the camera

17 Spectral Power Analysis: Setup

18 Spectral Power Analysis: Preliminary Results

19 Color Space Transformations Different color representations (RGB, CMYK, CIEXYZ, HSV, CIEL*a*b*, R’G’B’) Human Color Gamut and the “Standard Observer” What is an optimal color representation?

20 MATLAB Image Toolbox Supports a wide range of functions: Spatial image transformations, Morphological operations, Neighborhood and block operations, Linear filtering and filter design, Transforms, Image analysis and enhancement, Image registration, Deblurring, Region of interest operations Porting to other platforms is fairly easy 110 grains of rice!!!

21 Biological Data Analysis: Applications Be able to analyze vast sets of data with minimal human interaction Characterization of plant “wellness” through image analysis –Smart Agriculture –Environmental monitoring Extended analysis of what humans cannot see

22 Future Work Characterize camera CCD Test spectral power distributions with different illuminants and illumination conditions Design algorithm to analyze particular data set and determine flower counts Field Test at the James Reserve

23 Questions?

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