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Coil Built. 21 st C. Coil Potters Slip Cast Sculptural Vessel.

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Presentation on theme: "Coil Built. 21 st C. Coil Potters Slip Cast Sculptural Vessel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coil Built

2 21 st C. Coil Potters

3 Slip Cast


5 Sculptural Vessel

6 Refers to function but Denies It

7 Non-Traditional Functional

8 Traditional Functional

9 Installation




13 Research Papers GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The purpose is not to torture you. You should choose a topic that interests you. The requirement is for 750 words. This is an exercise not a major thesis work. Taylor your efforts accordingly. Use your own voice, reveal your ideas. Synthesize the information that you have acquired. Read numerous sources, search for something that interests you or relates to your background. Summarize the information. Start early to allow time to acquire research. Use the library staff

14 Glazes What is a glaze? What are the components of glaze? –FLUX – GLASSFORMER (SILICA) – REFRACTORY (VISCOUS AGENT, IE CLAY) How many types of glazes are there? How may you describe a glaze? –GLOSSY – SATIN/ SATIN MATT – MATT –TRANSPARENT – TRANSLUCENT -- OPAQUE

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