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Creating Web documents Questions on JavaScript Hints calendar example "Great homepages really suck" Homework: Project 3.

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1 Creating Web documents Questions on JavaScript Hints calendar example "Great homepages really suck" Homework: Project 3

2 Questions on JavaScript How were these done? What JavaScript features? –date at top of page –rollover image swap –slide show –status line –coffee shop –'virtual dog'

3 Hint Remember: your names need to be consistent; JavaScript (DOM) names need to be correct! Use the Edit/Find to go through text and check on names

4 Hint The rules for JavaScript are that { } can replace a single statement The official format is if (condition) statement; So this is usually if (condition) {statements} Use the brackets even if you only have one statement.

5 Hint The plus operator does addition of the operands are numbers or concatenation if the operands of strings. The asterisk operator always does multiplication, converting strings to numbers, if required. Contents of form input tags are strings. If the input is to be considered a number, the code needs to do something to make it a number.

6 Comment A good web site has content! –original writing (text) and images –appropriate, evocative, effective use of multimedia (including JavaScript effects) –organization that serves a function and does not just excessive hyperlinking Trade offs –value of large image & sound files versus burden of long downloads –large[r] amounts of content (graphics, text) versus uncluttered, simple[r] pages –audience expectations versus ???

7 Calendar example Go to Javascript examples creates (very long) string called cal and writes it out using document.write(cal); cycles within cycles: days of weeks and days of month

8 "Great homepages really suck" suck here is good! article on

9 Terminology " pull technology" refers to technology that allows users to pro- actively seek out information, whereas "push technology" describes technology that delivers information to users, usually at regular intervals and without the user actively seeking the information. "In his book "The Web Content Style Guide", Gerry McGovern reports a study by the prestigious Palo Alto Research Center,. The study found that 75% of Web readers are in "content- gathering" mode, while only 25% are searching for a specific document.

10 Conclusion Give the visitor to your Home page (the first page) something substantial enough to make them click to the detail pages. Trade off: simplicity of first page versus content

11 Content Must Suck: Pulling Users In with Jared Spool Learn The Net (current Website) Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab The Web Content Style Guide, Gerry McGovern, Jakob Nielsen User Interface Engineering, Jared Spool

12 Project 3 You must post your proposal and read my response. Requirements –links, frames, tables, images, formatting –JavaScript (many options) –image map or image slicing –animated gif –Cascading style sheets –meta tags: description and keywords –Your own powerful content! –Your name –(works cited/bibliography, if you make use of other resources)

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