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Objectives © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1 Objectives.

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2 Objectives © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1 Objectives

3 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 2 Objectives Chapter 1: Creating, Printing, and Editing Documents Performance Objectives  Open Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word  Create a Document Create a Document  Save a Document Save a Document  Name a Document Name a Document  Print a Document Print a Document  Close a Document Close a Document  Create a New Document Create a New Document  Open a Saved Document Open a Saved Document  Save a Document with Save As Save a Document with Save As  Close Word Close Word  CHECKPOINT 1 CHECKPOINT 1  Edit a Document Edit a Document  Scroll in a Document Scroll in a Document  Move the Insertion Point Move the Insertion Point  Resume Reading and Editing in a Document Resume Reading and Editing in a Document  Insert and Delete Text Insert and Delete Text  Select Text in a Document Select Text in a Document  Use the Undo and Redo Buttons Use the Undo and Redo Buttons  Use the Help Feature Use the Help Feature  CHECKPOINT 2 CHECKPOINT 2

4 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 3 Objectives Open Microsoft Word To open Microsoft Word: 1. From your Windows 8 Start screen, click the Word 2013 tile. To open a blank document in Word: 1. At the Word 2013 opening screen, click the Blank document template. Word 2013 tile

5 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 4 Objectives Open Microsoft Word - continued I-beam pointer Quick Access toolbar FILE tab Ribbon vertical ruler Status bar Task bar tabs Title bar Collapse the Ribbon button insertion point vertical scroll bar

6 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 5 Objectives Open Microsoft Word - continued

7 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 6 Objectives Open Microsoft Word - continued

8 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 7 Objectives Create a Document  As you type text, you will notice that Word contains the following helpful features:  Word Wrap: As you type to create a document, you do not need to press the Enter key at the end of each line because Word wraps text from one line to the next.  AutoCorrect: Word automatically corrects certain words as you type them. AutoCorrect also superscripts the letters that follow an ordinal number.  Automatic Spell Checker: By default, Word automatically inserts a red wavy line below any word that is not contained in its Spelling dictionary or automatically corrected by AutoCorrect.

9 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 8 Objectives Create a Document - continued  Word also contains the following helpful features:  Automatic Grammar Checker: If the grammar checker detects a sentence that contains a grammatical error, Word inserts a blue wavy line below the sentence.  Spacing Punctuation: When you type text in a proportional typeface, space once (rather than twice) after end-of-sentence punctuation such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point, and after a colon.  Option Buttons: As you insert or edit text in a document, an option button may pop up in your text.  AutoComplete: AutoComplete inserts an entire item when you type a few identifying characters.

10 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 9 Objectives Create a Document - continued To use the New Line command: 1. Position the insertion point. 2. Press Shift + Enter. Press Enter to begin a new line with 8 points of spacing. Shift + Enter begins a new line without extra spacing.

11 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 10 Objectives Save a Document To save a document: 1. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. 2. Click the desired location at the Save As backstage area. 3. Click the Browse button. 4. Type the document name in the File name text box. 5. Press Enter or click the Save button. Save button

12 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 11 Objectives Save a Document - continued Save button Details pane Navigation pane Toolbar Address bar document name text box Content pane

13 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 12 Objectives Name a Document  Document names created in Word and other suite applications can be a maximum of 255 characters in length, including drive letter and any folder names, and may include spaces.  File names cannot include any of the following characters: forward slash (/)question mark (?) backslash (\)quotation mark (“) greater than sign (>)colon (:) less than sign (<)semicolon (;) asterisk (*)pipe symbol (|)

14 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 13 Objectives Print a Document To print a document: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Print option. 3. Click the Print button. Print option Print button Navigation buttons Print Preview Slider bar

15 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 14 Objectives Print a Document - continued  Click the Print button, located near the upper left side of the backstage area, to send the document to the printer and specify the number of copies you want printed with the Copies option.  Below the Print button are two categories: Printer and Settings. Use the gallery in the Printer category to specify the desired printer.  The Settings category contains a number of galleries, each with options for specifying how you want your document printed.

16 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 15 Objectives Print a Document - continued To insert the Quick Print button on the Quick Access toolbar: 1. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. 2. Click Quick Print at the drop-down list. Customize Quick Access Toolbar button

17 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 16 Objectives Close a Document To close a document: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Close option. Close option

18 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 17 Objectives Create a New Document To create a new document: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the New option. 3. Click the Blank document template. New option Blank document template

19 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 18 Objectives Open a Saved Document To open a document: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Open option. 3. Click the desired location at the Open backstage area. 4. Click the Browse button. 5. Double-click the document name. Open button

20 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 19 Objectives Open a Saved Document - continued Navigation pane Toolbar Address bar To open a document, double-click the document name in this Content pane.

21 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 20 Objectives Open a Saved Document - continued To open a document from the Recent Documents list: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Open option. 3. Make sure Recent Documents is selected. 4. Click the desired document. Recent Documents

22 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 21 Objectives Open a Saved Document - continued To pin a document: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Open option. 3. Click the desired stick pin. stick pin

23 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 22 Objectives Save a Document with Save As To save a document with Save As: 1. Click the FILE tab. 2. Click the Save As button. 3. Type a document name. 4. Press Enter. document name

24 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 23 Objectives Close Word To close Word: 1. Click the Close button in the upper right corner of the screen. Close button

25 Objectives © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 24 CHECKPOINT 1 1)Clicking this tab displays the backstage area. a.FILE b.HOME c.INSERT d.VIEW 1)Clicking this tab displays the backstage area. a.FILE b.HOME c.INSERT d.VIEW 3)What keys are pressed to use the New Line command? a.Shift + Enter b.Ctrl + Enter c.Ctrl + Home d.Shift + Home 3)What keys are pressed to use the New Line command? a.Shift + Enter b.Ctrl + Enter c.Ctrl + Home d.Shift + Home 2)What is the maximum number of characters for naming a file? a.55 b.155 c.255 d.355 2)What is the maximum number of characters for naming a file? a.55 b.155 c.255 d.355 4)Do this to your document if you want it to display in the Recent Documents list. a.Save b.Save As c.Open d.Pin 4)Do this to your document if you want it to display in the Recent Documents list. a.Save b.Save As c.Open d.Pin Next Question Next Slide Answer

26 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 25 Objectives Edit a Document  When editing a document, you may decide to insert or delete text.  To edit a document, use the mouse, the keyboard, or the mouse in combination with the keyboard to move the insertion point to specific locations in the document.

27 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 26 Objectives Scroll in a Document  In addition to moving the insertion point to a specific location, you can use the mouse to move the display of text on the document screen.  Scrolling in a document changes the text displayed but does not move the insertion point.  Use the mouse with the vertical scroll bar, located at the right side of the screen, to scroll through text in a document.

28 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 27 Objectives Move the Insertion Point To use the Go To option: 1. Click the Find button arrow located in the Editing group on the HOME tab. 2. Click Go To at the drop-down list. 3. At the Find and Replace dialog box with the Go To tab selected, type the page number in the Enter page number text box. 4. Press the Enter key. Find and Replace dialog box

29 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 28 Objectives Move the Insertion Point - continued

30 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 29 Objectives Move the Insertion Point - continued

31 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 30 Objectives Resume Reading or Editing in a Document  When you work in a multiple-page document and then close the document, Word remembers the page where the insertion point was last positioned.  If you open a previously saved document, you can move the insertion point to where the insertion point was last located when the document was closed by pressing Shift + F5.  When you reopen the document, Word displays a “Welcome back!” message at the right side of the screen near the vertical scroll bar. The message tells you that you can pick up where you left off and identifies the page where your insertion point was last located.

32 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 31 Objectives Insert and Delete Text  Editing a document may include inserting or deleting text.  To insert text in a document, position the insertion point in the desired location and then type the text. Existing characters move to the right as you type the text.  If you want to type over existing text rather than have it move to the right as you insert new text, you will need to turn on the Overtype mode. With the Overtype mode on, anything you type will replace existing text.

33 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 32 Objectives Insert and Delete Text - continued

34 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 33 Objectives Select Text in a Document Selected text  Use the mouse or the keyboard to select a specific amount of text.  When text is selected, it displays with a gray background as shown below.  The Mini toolbar also displays and contains options for performing common tasks. Mini toolbar

35 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 34 Objectives Select Text in a Document - continued

36 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 35 Objectives Select Text in a Document - continued  To select sections of text other than a word, sentence, or paragraph, position the I-beam pointer on the first character of the text to be selected, hold down the left mouse button, drag the I-beam pointer to the last character of the text to be selected, and then release the mouse button.  You can also select all text between the current insertion point and the I-beam pointer. To do this, position the insertion point where you want the selection to begin, hold down the Shift key, click the I-beam pointer at the end of the selection, and then release the Shift key.  To select a specific amount of text using the keyboard, turn on the Selection mode by pressing the F8 key.  With the Selection mode activated, use the arrow keys to select the desired text.

37 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 36 Objectives Select Text in a Document - continued

38 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 37 Objectives Select Text in a Document - continued

39 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 38 Objectives Use the Undo and Redo Buttons Undo button  If you make a mistake and delete text that you did not intend to, or if you change your mind after deleting text and want to retrieve it, you can use the Undo or Redo buttons on the Quick Access toolbar.  You can undo text or commands.  If you use the Undo button and then decide you do not want to reverse the original action, click the Redo button. Redo button

40 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 39 Objectives Use the Undo and Redo Buttons - continued To undo an action performed earlier: 1. Click the Undo button arrow. 2. Click the desired option in the drop-down list. Undo button arrow

41 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 40 Objectives Use the Help Feature search text box suggested search links To use Help: 1. Click the Microsoft Word Help button. 2. Type a topic or feature. 3. Press Enter. 4. Click the desired topic.

42 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 41 Objectives Use the Help Feature - continued Home Back Forward Print Keep Help on Top Use Large Text

43 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 42 Objectives Use the Help Feature - continued  Some button ScreenTips, dialog boxes, and backstage areas contain a Help icon or button you can click to display a help window with specific information about the button feature, dialog box, or backstage area. Help button ScreenTip help hyperlink

44 Objectives © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 43 CHECKPOINT 2 1)With this mode on, anything you type will replace existing text. a.Insert b.Overtype c.Backstage d.Overwrite 1)With this mode on, anything you type will replace existing text. a.Insert b.Overtype c.Backstage d.Overwrite 3)Press this key to delete a character to the left of the insertion point. a.Backspace b.Insert c.Delete d.Enter 3)Press this key to delete a character to the left of the insertion point. a.Backspace b.Insert c.Delete d.Enter 2)You can use this option to move the insertion point to a specific page within a document. a.Locate b.Search c.Browse d.Go To 2)You can use this option to move the insertion point to a specific page within a document. a.Locate b.Search c.Browse d.Go To 4)Press these keys to select an entire document. a.Ctrl + E b.Ctrl + S c.Ctrl + D d.Ctrl + A 4)Press these keys to select an entire document. a.Ctrl + E b.Ctrl + S c.Ctrl + D d.Ctrl + A Next Question Next Slide Answer

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