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In Southwest Asia Kelsy Lazo Mr. Orso Period 1. 1.Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the beliefs of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "In Southwest Asia Kelsy Lazo Mr. Orso Period 1. 1.Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the beliefs of Judaism, Christianity and Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Southwest Asia Kelsy Lazo Mr. Orso Period 1

2 1.Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the beliefs of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and describe how this had led to conflict in the region of SW Asia. Identify at least two areas of religious conflict and propose solutions for each.

3 Jews believe in one God. They follow the commandments of the Torah, which is a book revealing what Jews believe is how God wants them to live. They believe that all things on Earth were created with meaning.

4 Christians central and major figure is Jesus or also known as Christ. The bible is read in order to follow the expectations of their God. The bible consists of Jesus and the effects he created.

5 The Islamic religion believes in the Koran. They believe in the six articles of faith and the five pillars of faith.

6 All three religions are monotheistic religions, meaning they only believe in one God. All religions believe God was active in history. Guidelines are followed according to the teachings of God. The Old testament is considered sacred.

7 All there religions have holy sites located in Jerusalem. Competition is created to see who owns the land. Solution: an agreement can be reached to share the land.

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