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Analysis of a cracked plate
Casa Day 16/11/05
Motivation Aloha Airlines Flight 243
Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii No visual exterior inspection (nor required) At feet… loud clap Flight attendant swept out of the cabin 1 dead, 65 injured Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress $5 million damage
Peel Test Force Displacement (constant speed) Nickel layer 45º
Substrate Peel-Test Support Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress
Uniaxial Stress Stress Strain
Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material Tomemos uma barra que é carregada com uma força F. Suponhamos que esta força é uniforme ao longo da face do cilindro, e perpendicular à mesma. Entãp define-se o stress=F/A. como consequência desta força F, o cilindro soferá uma elongação, vai crescer Delta l. à deformação causada pelo stress sigma chama-se strain, que denotamos por epsilon. Temos epsilon=Delta l / l. Consideremos agora uma barra em que a secção no meio da barra é mais pequena. Considermos que a barra é carregada pela mesma força F. Então no meio da barra o stress será maior. A maneira como definimos o strain no ponto que dista x do ponto de apoio da barra é epsilon(x)=… Como definir o strain no caso da força não ser uniforme? Strain = lim …
Displacement Gradient
Approximation Temos o ponto P, na reference configuration. Consideremos um ponto na vizinhança de P. Chamemos-lhe Q. No instante t, P e Q ter-se-ão deslocado. Displacement de P e de Q u(x) e u(x+dx). Podemos escrever u(x+dx)=u(x)+du.dx+…. Se dx é pequeno (o que não é o caso da figura, hehe), então podemos ignorar o “…”. A du chamamos displacement gradient matrix. É importante, vamos explicar porquê. Displacement Gradient
Strain Tensor Strain Tensor symmetric skew-symmetric deformations
rigid body motions Strain Tensor Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material symmetric
Physical Interpretation
diagonal Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material off-diagonal
Stress Tensor Traction Cauchy Stress
Stress- a tensorial quantity that characterizes the state of internal forces acting in a body
Equation of motion Balance of linear momentum
body force density Balance of angular momentum Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material Equation of motion
Summary Equations Unknowns 3 6 6 3 6 6 + constitutive equations + 15 9
Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material 15 9 15
Constitutive Equations
Linear Elasticity: Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio Lamé Moduli Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Problem Description Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Continuum Mechanics Plane Stress Boundary Conditions 1º plane stress
2º equações 3º boundary conditions
Continuum Mechanics 1º plane stress 2º equações 3º boundary conditions
Domain decomposition Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Macro equations, Micro equations
Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Schwarz Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Example Difference between successive iterations for u u1 u2-u1 u1-u0
5.13 u2-u1 1.16x10-1 u3-u2 6.56x10-2 u4-u3 5.86x10-2 u2-u1 Stress- an applied force or system of forces concentrated over an area that tends to strain or deform a body Strain- a deformation produced by stress É abusivo usar a letra epsilon? Stress-strain diagram obtained by tensile test, it is characteristic of each material
Future Work - Grain structure - Time - Convergence analysis E=2x10e-11
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