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UNDP and HIV/AIDS …in Europe and the CIS 4 th COP Meeting Moscow, June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDP and HIV/AIDS …in Europe and the CIS 4 th COP Meeting Moscow, June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDP and HIV/AIDS …in Europe and the CIS 4 th COP Meeting Moscow, June 2007

2 HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe & the CIS Relatively low, asymmetric prevalence BUT… High growth (incidence), in fact with 270,000 new infections in 2006 EECA representing a twenty-fold increase in less than a decade !* Bringing the total number of people living with HIV to approximately 1.7 million Highly concentrated among youth and vulnerable groups, with extreme social exclusion AIDS Epidemic update: December 2006 UNAIDS

3 HIV infections newly diagnosed: Cases reported in 2005 per million population WHO European Region

4 HIV infections newly diagnosed per million population, 1995-2005, selected countries, Eastern Europe

5 BDP AIDS GROUP NY Bratislava RC RBEC NY HIV/AIDS Advisor ( Moscow based) Knowledge Coordinator (BRC based) Regional Programme Steering Committee = primary reporting = secondary reporting Russia CO (Higher Prevalence) All Country Offices Co-location with UNAIDS Regional Team At the center of the epidemic (burden & hub) Win-win cost-sharing with CO (50% of Advisor) Enhanced & flexible advisory support to all COs New ‘Out-posted Model’

6 UNDP’s Response - Corporate Framework (in line with UNAIDS/UN Division of Labor) Focus Areas Core Results 1. HIV & Human Development  HIV/AIDS mainstreaming Socio-economic impact Enabling trade and fiscal environment 2. Governance of AIDS Response  RC system coordination and Joint UN Teams on AIDS Three Ones and coordination of national responses Oversight & management structures to "make the money work" 3. AIDS, Human Rights & Gender  Human rights, legislation, stigma, discrimination & vuln. groups Gender and AIDS Greater involvement/empowerment of people living with HIV 4. Making the Money Work  Capacity development for PR countries and CCMs Implementation support for non-PR countries GIST-related support Knowledge management, policy and programmatic tools

7 UNDP’s Response - Corporate Framework & UNAIDS Division of Labour Service LineKey Focus Areas/Activities Completed 1) HIV & Human Development  Support to Armenia PRSP inclusive feedback process launched  Mainstreaming Knowledge Management fund created 2) Governance of AIDS Response  Conducted Governance Capacity Assessments in 5 countries  finalized CA reports with recommendations based on CO feedback.  Supported Joint Programming and Three Ones, including WHO Knowledge Hub and UNTG/UNAIDS activities in several countries via the COSF. 3) AIDS, Human Rights & Gender  Completed pilot Vulnerability research in Kaliningrad & Estonia, finalized methodology toolkit,  Launched support to 5 additional countries to undertake Vulnerability research that will comprise the next Regional HDR on Living with HIV and AIDS in ECIS  Customized and translated into Russian the “Know Your Universal Human Rights” awareness cards for WAD.  Supported the We Care Regional Advisor and We Care programme implementation in BRC.

8 1) HIV/AIDS and Human Development Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into sectors, national strategies and PRSPs  Regional Programme support PRSP countries  Mainstreaming handbook translated into Russian HIV/AIDS and Macro-economic Frameworks Trade, TRIPS and Access to Treatment

9 Governance support to National AIDS Strategies Three Ones principles for coordination of national responses RC System and Unified UN response to support National Planning 2) Governance of the HIV/AIDS Response

10 Regional Research Initiatives UNDP Mandate HIV/AIDS and Human Development Governance of the HIV/AIDS Response Regional Challenge Major increase in resources available (Global Fund, WB, Gov.) Weak/variable health systems and implementation capacity Lack of Multi-sectoral approaches, Gov-NGO linkages + Regional Capacity Assessment 6 Countries Stand-alone tool Policy recommendations Follow-on projects ?

11 Human Rights, Legislation, Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS Gender Equality Advocacy & Media Campaigns 3) HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Gender

12 Regional Research Initiatives Regional Challenge Extreme social exclusion, stigma & discrimination Challenges to outreach: IDUs, CSW’s, MSM… Putting a “human face” on the numbers + Vulnerability Assessment 6 Countries (EST, GEO, RUS, TUR, UKR, UZB) Regional HDR for Advocacy Stand-alone tool for Policy Development Follow-on projects UNDP Mandate HIV/AIDS Human Rights and Gender

13 Strong growth in strategic position supporting flagship multi-lateral initiatives (especially Central Asia) GFATM (1st completed grant in EE/CA) + $62 mil. (2006) UNDP as Principal Recipient: Belarus, BiH, Montenegro, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan ?? (17% of UNDP total COs) “New Model” Capacity development support to national PR’s Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan (43% of UNDP total COs) World Bank/EuraSEC + $25 mil. mobilised (2006) First HIV/AIDS Regional Project for RBEC– signed NOV 2006 Capacity development & implementation support to $27 million World Bank Central Asia Project, KAZ, KYR, TAJ, UZB 4) Making the Money Work – More & More

14 The New Country Office Support Facility Strengthening Regional - Country Partnership & Alignment Enhancing Regional coherence Rigorous application process utilizing BDP NY capacity Stimulating CO buy-in and “ownership” of Regional Programme Nearly $600,000 for one year ThemesSub-regions Vulnerability Initiative Capacity Assessment Mainstreaming HIV into key planning tools (PRSP) MDG monitoring & eval. Sub-regional initiatives Central Asia - 4 countries/ $178,000 Western CIS - 2 countries/ $105,000 Caucasus - 2 countries/ $85,000 EU accession - 2 countries/ $85,000 Balkans - 3 countries/ $50,000

15 COSF – Mid year delivery Country Current Budget as per AWP Actual Expenditures As of 30-May-07 Project Budget Balance as of 30-May-07 Percent Expenditure Armenia 47 250,00 19 238,70 28 011,30 40,7% Croatia 47 250,00 22 829,75 24 420,25 48,3% Georgia 42 000,00 19 453,12 22 546,88 46,3% Kazakhstan 45 262,50 20 077,22 25 185,28 44,4% Kyrgyzstan 52 500,00 10 593,14 41 906,86 20,2% Romania 42 000,00 19 866,86 22 133,14 47,3% Russia 63 000,00 21 419,11 41 580,89 34,0% Tajikistan 42 000,00 13 165,00 28 835,00 31,3% Turkey 47 250,00 20 957,14 26 292,86 44,4% Ukraine 47 250,00 6 693,86 40 556,14 14,2% Uzbekistan 47 250,00 7 719,77 39 530,23 16,3% Totals 523 012,50 182 013,67 340 998,83 34,8%

16 COSF – Mid year delivery Country Current Budget as per AWP Actual Expenditures As of 30-May-07 Project Budget Balance as of 30-May-07 Percent Expenditure Armenia 47 250,00 19 238,70 28 011,30 40,7% Croatia 47 250,00 22 829,75 24 420,25 48,3% Georgia 42 000,00 19 453,12 22 546,88 46,3% Kazakhstan 45 262,50 20 077,22 25 185,28 44,4% Kyrgyzstan 52 500,00 10 593,14 41 906,86 20,2% Romania 42 000,00 19 866,86 22 133,14 47,3% Russia 63 000,00 21 419,11 41 580,89 34,0% Tajikistan 42 000,00 13 165,00 28 835,00 31,3% Turkey 47 250,00 20 957,14 26 292,86 44,4% Ukraine 47 250,00 6 693,86 40 556,14 14,2% Uzbekistan 47 250,00 7 719,77 39 530,23 16,3% Totals 523 012,50 182 013,67 340 998,83 34,8%

17 Looking Ahead – Drivers for 2007 KM Management & Products Launch Knowledge Management strategy Coordinating the Vulnerability Research in 5 countries and synthesize results into a high-visibility advocacy & policy Regional HDR Preparing the regional focal points meeting to take place around the Trade/Trips regional meeting Sub-Regional Focus: Enhanced engagement with Central Asian countries to facilitate both the rapidly increasing GFATM responsibilities, including ‘marketing’ UNDP support to PR capacities to current PRs. Other sub-regions, EU Neighbourhood External & Partnerships Monitor developments in UNDP and UN reform in general & HIV/AIDS Follow up on discussions for regional partnerships with World Bank, TPAA and UNAIDS on the CIS Parliamentarian Working Group HR & Funding Structure: Complete the Regional Team restructuring placing international Policy Advisor based in Moscow. Providing ongoing support to the COSF and managing the transition from 1st to 2nd phase for 16 countries

18 Looking Ahead – Drivers for 2007 Greatest Challenges Taking the Capacity Assessment to the Next Step Roll-out of the Vulnerability Initiative and realizing the next RHDR Ensuring that UNDP remains a relevant player in the field of HIV/AIDS – finding a niche and comparative advantage based on the UNAIDS division of labour Greatest Opportunities Sub-regional partnerships Regional Parliamentary working groups Joint resource mobilisation with UNAIDS (e.g. 3 Ones) Current initiatives (regional vulnerability study) will help identify programming opportunities both at the regional and national (CO) level

19 Religious Leaders/ FBOs Uniting Initiatives in the Region Ongoing projects in the Orthodox countries (Russia, etc.) Partnership opportunity with the World Bank funded Central Asia AIDS Control Project 2008 EE/CIS International AIDS Conference - Moscow

20 Parliamentarian Working Groups on AIDS Uniting Initiatives in the Region Russian Federation Partnership opportunity with the World Bank funded Central Asia AIDS Control Project Leverage our global partnership with the International Parliamentary Union ‘Leaders Forum’ which would also include the visit of the Central Asian Parliamentary Working Group on AIDS (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) fall 2007 CIS regional event in Moscow 4rth quarter 2007 ? 2008 EE/CIS International AIDS Conference - Moscow

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