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Thunderstorm Distribution And Frequency In Saudi Arabia

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1 Thunderstorm Distribution And Frequency In Saudi Arabia
Shwehdi, MH IOP PUBLISHING LTD, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING; pp: ; Vol: 2 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Summary A new average annual thunder day map for Saudi Arabia is presented. Based on this map, the distribution of thunderstorms over Saudi Arabia is analysed in terms of the factors related to the lightning performance of transmission lines such as thunderstorm days per year (Td/yr). Lightning activity continues for the present to be represented by thunderstorm frequency, which is routinely recorded at meteorological observation sites. Thunderstorm occurrence at a particular location is usually expressed as the number of days in a calendar year when thunder was heard, averaged over several years. This paper examines thunderstorm days in different areas of Saudi Arabia and specifically those areas where lightning strikes are more frequent; for this purpose, the software ArcGIS is used to produce contour maps which demonstrate areas of concern in Saudi Arabia in the period Establishing the annual and seasonal Td/yr for Saudi Arabia enables transmission and distribution line engineers to calculate and better design a lightning protection system. Maps of thunder days/year (Td/yr) were constructed on the basis of the database records available on lightning incidence in Saudi Arabia at the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) ( Annual thunderstorms are most frequent over the southwestern parts of the country, and generally decrease towards the west and east. Due to its low latitude and less temporal change, the west coast of the Red Sea recorded the lowest Td/yr. A secondary maximum Td/yr is apparent in the southeast to central part of the country. Thunderstorm frequency does not, in general, appear to vary in any consistent way with rainfall. There appears to be no evidence of any widespread temporal trend in thunderstorm frequency. The southern region in general, and especially the cities of Abha, Taif and Al-Baha, has shown Copyright: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;

2 greater numbers of thunderstorm days all year round
greater numbers of thunderstorm days all year round. Similarly, this variation did show higher frequency throughout the year. The development of lightning incidence and the counting of Td/yr, as well as the establishment of annual and seasonal lightning maps of Saudi Arabia, are initiating a new era of producing and archiving thunderstorm maps and data records which serve the PME, the utilities, industry and the public. References: 1. *IEEE WORK GROUP, 2001, P1410 IEEE WORK GROU *MIN HIGH ED, 1989, SAUD AR ATL 2. 3. ANDERSON RB, 1984, IEEE INT C LIGHTN PO BOCCIPPIO D, 2004, J CLIM 4. 5. BOCCIPPIO DJ, 1995, SCIENCE, V269, P1088 6. BOCCIPPIO DJ, 2001, MON WEATHER REV, V129, P108 BURROWS WR, 2002, ATMOS OCEAN, V40, P59 7. 8. CHRISTIAN HJ, 2003, J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, V108, ARTN 4005 DAI AG, 2001, J CLIMATE, V14, P1112 9. 10. DELAROSA F, 1994, CIGRE TASK FO DELAROSA F, 1998, CIGRE SC33 INT C ZAG DELAROSA F, 2000, CHARACTERIZATION LIG 11. 12. 13. DOSWELL CA, 2001, AMS METEOROLOGICAL M, V28 14. FRYBERGER SG, 1979, US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, V1052, P137 GOODMAN SJ, 2002, P NWA ANN M FORT WOR 15. 16. JANISCHEWSKYJ W, 1998, LIGHTNING GROUND FLA MANOHAR GK, 1999, J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, V104, P4169 PESSI A, 2004, ILDC INT LIG 17. 18. 19. PETERSEN WA, 1998, J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, V103, P14025 TORRES H, 1996, P 23 INT C LIGHTN PR, P186 20. 21. WHITEHEAD JT, 1993, IEEE T POWER DELIVER, V8, P1254 WILLIAMS E, 1991, MON WEATHER REV, V119, P2511 WILLIAMS ER, 1989, J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOSP, V94, P13213 WILLIAMS ER, 1994, MON WEATHER REV, V122, P1917 22. 23. 24. For pre-prints please write to: Copyright: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;

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