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“Start of Colonial Government” 1. English Government: The rights of Englishmen were first written in the Magna Carta of 1215. English political authority.

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Presentation on theme: "“Start of Colonial Government” 1. English Government: The rights of Englishmen were first written in the Magna Carta of 1215. English political authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Start of Colonial Government” 1. English Government: The rights of Englishmen were first written in the Magna Carta of 1215. English political authority came from the parliament (which was made up of ‘two” houses or branches government) and the king appointed governors. In 1689 the English Bill of Rights was passed containing- King William & Queen Mary are presented with the English Bill of Rights to be signed in 1689… Parliament House of Lords The King The House of Commons King selects the Lords Lords select the members of the Commons House of Commons represents the people in each town KING LORD C CC C C C C C C C C C C C C C Parliament structure & representation across the nation Magna Carta King John *This is VIRTUAL Representation! Magna Carta Video (8 min) Magna Carta Video (8 min)

2 a.No taxation without Representation. b.No cruel or unjust punishment. c.Free speech in Parliament. d.Right to petition. e.Right to bear arms. f.Right to a trial by jury.

3 House of Burgesses, developed in 1619, began to change itself making it fir a similar format, such as during Bacon’s Rebellion. However, representatives for it were not chosen by the king, but by the people. 2. Colonial Government: Colonists knew they needed the same rights as Englishmen in order to obtain basic “freedoms.” The rights in the colonies were- a. Property owners could vote for representatives to the legislative assembly (group that made the laws). b. These Assemblies pass laws & tax the people. c. All privileges of the English Bill of Rights. d. Right to a Judicial Process or the use of courts to settle disputes and try the accused. Colonists held this process as being vital to colonial life, but assemblies sometimes had their laws rejected by the King undermining the process. Direct Representation You Select Your Representative Those Representatives make the laws, taxes, etc. Parliament in England was considered to be INDIRECT (or VIRTUAL) Representation… this means by “virtue” of being an Englishmen ALL were represented fairly and justly. Does it matter how you are “represented?”

4 3. Examples of trials- a. The Witchcraft Trials of 1692- started in Salem due to changes in Puritan Life & by Cotton Mather. Trials show how society can create scapegoats for its problems. b. Zenger Trial of 1735- John Peter Zenger, a printer, was put in jail for publishing opposing writing about the New York governor William Cosby. The trial developed freedom of the press to print the truth. Seditious Libel… …a law that allowed criminal punishment of those whose statements impugned the authority and reputation of the government or religion, regardless of the truth of the statements “The Birth of Freedom of the Press?” Sir William Cosby; Governor

5 American Colonial Self-Sufficiency The Enlightenment in America: During this time American Colonists became entrepreneurs, they built their own items and developed new products… Colonial Government: American Colonists enjoyed their local government & came to consider Parliament as violating their rights because they were NOT directly represented within its halls by a Colonial Representative… Colonial Protection & Enforcement of Law: American Colonists considered themselves more than capable of doing this as Bacon’s Rebellion, King Phillips War and the French & Indian War had proven… TO BE SELF-SUFFICIENT Economically Capable Politically Capable Socially Capable

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