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Embedding Equality and Diversity. What is Equality?  Equality is ensuring that individuals have equal opportunities in order to make the most of their.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Equality and Diversity. What is Equality?  Equality is ensuring that individuals have equal opportunities in order to make the most of their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Equality and Diversity

2 What is Equality?  Equality is ensuring that individuals have equal opportunities in order to make the most of their talents and lives.  Equality is about no one having less opportunity or choice because of their beliefs, gender, race, sexual orientation, background, family structure or disability  Accepting that everyone is different but treating them with the same level of respect

3 What is Diversity?  Diversity is about valuing and reaping the benefits of all individuals, enabling all to fulfil their own potential whatever their backgrounds.

4 What does Inclusion mean?  Ensuring every learner has equal access to services and resources.  Taking action to remove barriers to participation and learning.  Inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality.

5 What does embedding Equality and Diversity mean?  Meeting the individuals needs of learners by being sensitive to their abilities and culture  Promoting Diversity at the session and at lessons by teaching learners about E & D and testing their knowledge  Challenging offensive behaviour

6 Why should we embed Equality and Diversity?  Social responsibility as a provider, part of our mission at Wandsworth Lifelong Learning  Helps to develop learners knowledge and encourage promotion of E & D within society  Regulations of contract (SFA and Ofsted)

7 How can we embed and Promote Equality and Diversity?  Completing an observation where the learner is verbally communicating with colleagues  Completing a professional discussion around working with colleagues  Completing a review session

8 Good Practice when Embedding Challenging inappropriate behaviour and language Resources used with learners meet individual needs and are not bias Assessment is fair and again meets individual needs of the learner Ensure that learners are aware of WLL policy and procedures in relation to E&D

9 Good Practice cont Ensure that your knowledge is current Ensure that when you are communicating you do not sterotype groups/individuals Ensure that you document how E&D has been covered

10 Challenging Behaviour What would you do if….  A learner made an offensive remark regarding individuals that have a certain faith/religion  A learner stereotyped individuals during an assessment

11 How can we check understanding of Equality and Diversity?  What do you understand by Equality?  What does Safeguarding means to you?  Do you have any concerns about these areas?  Do you feel treated fairly at work?  Have there been any accidents at work that we should be made aware of?  Do you feel that the training and support provided is according what you need?

12 Questions

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